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General : Group Voice Messaging-the New Way to leave reminder calls!
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 Message 1 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamejlm1970  (Original Message)Sent: 5/19/2006 2:24 PM
language=JavaScript> function set_mb_view_mode(mode) { document.cookie = "WSMBView=" + mode + "; path=/; expires=Mon, 16 Aug 2010 10:20:00 UTC;"; window.location = "/welovepamperedcheftoo/general.msnw"; } </SCRIPT> >function rep(s){openPostPopup('general.msnw?action=mb_post&mview=0&ID_TopParent=42447&ID_Parent=' + s)}</SCRIPT>

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There have been a lot of conversations lately regarding Group Voice Messaging Companies.  These are companies that you can pay to send a message to your host’s guests reminding them of the host’s show and show cancellations.  Some people even use them for their morning after calls.  These services allow you to record your OWN VOICE MESSAGE.  I have compiled a list of such services below for you to check out for yourselves. Mind you they are paid services.

Nancy Jo Ryan uses this service and she starts her call by saying "Hi, Susie Show asked me to call to remind you about her upcoming PC show. I’m                          , the Pampered Chef Consultant for Susie’s Cooking Show and I am looking forward to meeting you. We’ll be starting at 7:00 p.m.  I hope everyone can bring a friend. If you can not attend, remember you can always place an order on-line by going to and entering your host’s name.

Another thing to remember is that listening to a message on an answering machine is a solitary thing.  Instead of "Some of you don't know me yet..." talk as though you are only talking to ONE person, because really you are.

§ Web-based service that sends a pre-recorded voice messages to hundreds or thousands of regular phones in a few minutes.


You record the message so they hear your voice.  I have heard nothing but positive from my customers.  I use it reminder calls and morning after calls thanking them for coming.

§      OneCall Telephone Group Messaging Services

OneCallWeb telephones your group or list automatically. ... in your own voice, to their phone, and you make just one phone call. It's as simple to do as leaving a voice mail ...

§      Goliath

Price: $9.95 | Excerpt: "Telsis Telsis has announced the availability of its NoticeBoard community voice-messaging system, which allows a user to record a message to anyone who has a designated...

§      ServantPC

 PhoneTree. Make automated calls to stay in touch with your group

§      Freedom voice Systems

Two types of broadcasting. Group Voice and Fax Messaging and Voice Blaster.

§      PhoneTree Voice Messaging       Discounts for churches, appointment reminders, emergency notifications.

§      SimPhony: voice group messaging

voice group communication

§      UMES IT - Voice Mail Leave a Group Message


If anyone knows of anymore, please add them.



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 Message 2 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDarkstar0757Sent: 5/19/2006 5:25 PM
As much as I hate doing calls, I don't think I could do this because I hate getting recorded messages even more.  Anytime I get one, I generally hangup & I just couldn't do that to any of my customers, we all get enough junk calls as it is. 
If others think it'll work for them that's great, but I don't think it's for me.

 Message 3 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameChefShelby1Sent: 5/19/2006 5:50 PM
I think it's a neat idea and huge time saver but I agree with the fact that a lot of people would hang up as soon as they realized it was a recording.

I prefer encouraging the host to do it by springing a last minute contest on her. I got the idea from the Tom Marsten host coaching so I can't take credit, but a few days before the show I tell them I decided to do an ugly spoon contest and the winner gets a prize!

Then if they don't call, or somehow contact, everyone and tell them to bring a spoon the guests will be upset that no one told them to bring a spoon!

I'm going to do ugly barbecue baster for the summer and probably just give everyone a discount if they buy on of the new ones and maybe put everyone who brings one in a drawing for a free baster (not the bottle one, too expensive!) and order it on the show.

 Message 4 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamealmondfarmSent: 5/19/2006 6:16 PM
I have used the calling post calls and my hosts love it for one. I have also had a couple of guests comment that it was very professional to get a reminder call from the consultant. It is wonderful to get the guest list & #'s from the host for this purpose, too.
Just my experience.

 Message 5 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSillyLaura6Sent: 5/19/2006 11:36 PM
Can someone add this to HOT  TOPICS too please?  Thanks!

 Message 6 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBBHallSent: 5/19/2006 11:52 PM
I never have time to make all the calls I want to. Most of my Customers are never home anyway so they probably won't even know it's a recording. LOL
If you feel uncomfortable using the message system you could "Sorry for the recording but I wanted to touch base with you..."

 Message 7 of 7 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBBHallSent: 5/31/2006 4:16 PM
Has anyone used one of the Calling Companies yet? I'm on CallingPost and I'm not sure if I can use this since it says non-profit/volunteer groups.
Does anyone know which service Nancy Jo Ryan is using??

User Agreement

I understand that the CallingPost Messaging Service is to be used for the intended purpose of communicating with non-profit and volunteer groups and SHOULD NOT be used for commercial applications, political purposes, or to perform solicitation and/or telemarketing.

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