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I firmly believe there is no nice way to cut a mango! Just peel as close as you can to the skin. Then start slicing. There is a really grainy part of the mango before you hit the core. It's not the best part to eat. Texture is just yucky. So when you get to the grainy part, just stop cutting. I even tell my guests that I firmly believe there is simply no nice way to cut a mango! I always ask if anyone uses mangos in the audience. I then ask them if they have a trick to cutting a mango. They always agree that there isn't a nice way to cut a mango! Michelle |
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It's super easy. Peel the mango first. Then stand it on end (long end) and start slicing off long chunks. It has a long white pit in the middle that goes from end to end. You'll know you hit it when it's really hard to slice it. Otherwise, it should be easy to slice. I learned that technique from a host's husband who lived somewhere tropical and ate mangoes all the time. |
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can we use the vegetable peeler on it or am i just kinda shaving the skin off with a knife? thanks for the quick replies! |
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Saw on a cooking show one time they sliced off both sides of the mango sanding it on end. Look at the ridge and eyeball about a 1/2inch seed in the middle to figure out where to cut. then take each mango half and lay it on the cutting board, dice the mango in the skin but not breaking the skin, you can take the tip of your knife and pierce the flesh not through the skin side and make slices vertically and horizontally. Then holding the mango half in both hands, place your fingers on the skin side in the middle of the fruit, holding opposite sides of the edge of the frut with index fingers and thumbs pop the fruit inside out. The dices should pop out at you and then you can scrape them off with your knife. I haven't tried it but I'm guessing that if you've got a squishy mango it wouldn't work as well as one that wasn't so ripe. I have pealed them first in the past with a veggie pealer. While holding it in my hand, taken my knife and cut inwards until I hit the seed, horizontally and vertically, turning the fruit as I cut; then sliced off of the seed. There's less slipping around on the cutting board that way.
HTH Jenny |
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thanks ill let ya know how it goes lol. |
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To peel it, I have cut a little bit off the bottom so it sits flat on a cutting board. Then just start at the top with a Quikut or paring knife and slice down taking off the peel. Then I cut slices into the it from top to bottom all around. Those then come off pretty easy, dice, and away you go. I think it was on last year's DVD when we were doing the Mango Salsa Sundaes. Sandi |
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i just bumped up my old discussion on this very topic.... |
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Just saved BOTH of these Mango threads over on the HOT TOPICS page! |
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