 | | From:  chef_jodi_h (Original Message) | Sent: 8/30/2006 3:14 PM |
and I'm making the Powdered Sugar Cakes in the Silicone flower pan, the Caramel Sticky Buns (using store bought caramel sauce instead tonight and skipping the caramel decorations), the Chocolate Lattice Tart, the Three Cheese Goat Tart, and the Parmesan Herb Butter (on crackers instead of flatbread since I'm going to be short on time). Any suggestions from those who have already made any of these? Help would be VERY appreciated! :) Thanks, Jodi |
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Haven't made any of them...but Good Luck and have fun!!! Michelle |
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Thanks Michelle. I've just made the butter and the pound cakes. Now how to decorate the cakes...hmmm I just reread my post - can sure tell I'm stressed LOL....It should have been Three Onion Goat Cheese Tart  |
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Jodi, Let us know how all the recipes taste! I am thinking about making the pound cakes today. They sound yummy! Whitney |
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Jodi, At my team meeting, one of the Consultant's in my team made the Choc. tart., everyone enjoyed eating it. I didn't get to eat it, but I was told it would have been great warm with ice cream. We had a taste of the new recipes. I'm made the Caramel Sticky Buns last minute, another consultant was going to make it, but was sick. I also, made the Harvest Chicken Salad and the Asparagus with the Roasted red pepper, those were yummy. Oh, for the Caramel Sticky buns, I didn't do the rest, since it was last minute and I didn't have the whipping cream. The buns were ok, I'm going to make it again for my open house,which is tomorrow, plus the Salad, Asparagus, Choc. tart. Good luck on your open house, jane |
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Well the open house was a GREAT success! 21 attended plus 2 outside orders. I gave away 4 1/2 price and the 60% off host special because the guest sales are at $1037!! Plus I gave away three gift bags with product earlier in the evening. Oh yes, and 3 bookings! I made the 3 Onion Goat Cheese Tart (and was VERY surprised - I made double and the GOBBLED it up - have to say it was DELISH!). I also made the pound cakes - they were nice but nothing special. Guests seem to prefer just with powdered sugar on top as opposed to the glaze on the U and Care card. The Caramel Sticky Cakes (I just used caramel sauce in the bottle) were a big hit as was the Chocolate Pecan Tart - they probably would have both been even better warm with ice cream. Didn't care either way for the Parmesan Herb Spread - nothing special. |
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WOW - great job, Jodi! I'm so glad to hear you guys are having such success with open house type shows - I guess I need to try that idea again!! Marilyn in GA |
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Jodi!!! PLEASE share how you run your open houses! Do you let them come and go? Is there a set time they all should be there? Do you do a demo? What do you do girl! AWESOME open house! Congrats! Michelle |
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Michelle, this is actually only my 2nd open house. I did one late last August as well but I had only been in the business 10 months then. Last year I emailed only my past hosts and preferred customers (about 40 combined) and then hand delivered to neighbors I knew and some old neighbors. I had 17 attend and 2 outside orders and it was about $7-800 in sales. NO bookings though. My mistake was they were mostly past hosts or had JUST attended a show, even the neighbors. This year I emailed ALL my customers and hosts on my newsletter list (about 150 in all) and hand delivered none! I have always told my guests that if you give me your email you will receive a monthly newsletter with yummy recipes included, PLUS special offerings just from me from time to time. So...only the newsletter list was invited. I received RSVP's saying no couldn't make it from 2, and yes from 15. A couple brought a friend and two even brought 2 friends. I don't demo anything and I let them know that in the invite. Just a chance to sample new recipes, sneak peek at the new products, and their last chance at the discontinued products. I set a time of 6:30 - 8:30 and I state 'Come when you can, Leave when you must'. I think they like the informal, no pressure atmosphere. I made up 5 recipes in the afternoon and had those on the kitchen table. Wine, punch (in the Quick Stir of course) and water on the kitchen counter. I had all 7 pieces of glazed stoneware on my square coffee table in the family room and the new products laid out in the dining room. I'm lucky because my kitchen is very large, as is my family room and it's all open concept. The dining room is just off the kitchen as well so it was only two rooms they were going back and forth in. I did a draw at 7:30 for two door prizes (in gift bags - about $15 value each) and another two draws for the same at 8:00. I then did the grand prize draws about 8:40 when all the orders were in and there were still a couple of guests lingering. First a half price item, then the 60% host special. ( I had stated in the invite there would be one or more half price choices given away based on sales). Then I quickly added up orders and realized the show was large so I did an additional 2 draws for 2 more 1/2 price. I don't give away the free product - that ables me to purchase more NEW product and makes up for my cost in beverages and groceries. I think I spent about $130 and I have $220 in free product. I am giving my girlfriend a $40 product (her choice) as a gift for helping me so much. She was answering the door, giving tickets, cleaning up here and there etc. So in total, 9 draws (4 gift bags, 4 half price and the host special) and those were of little cost to me. Each bag had either an ice cream sandwich maker, quick stir pitcher, small batter bowl or small microcooker and a SB. So the cookbooks were my only expense as the others were freebies during the year and were in my cupboard. Sorry so long LOL |
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I forgot to mention, for the draws I give tickets as follows: 1 ticket for RSVPing 1 ticket for attending 1 ticket for bringing a uninvited ADULT guest (last year I had a lady bring her preteen daughter as her guest) 1 ticket for every $25 in orders (even a smaller order will still get a ticket, but the larger orders were broken into $25 increments) 4 tickets for booking October (had one booking for this) 6 tickets for booking September 8 tickets for booking my preferred date in September (had one booking for this - AND she didn't win!) I know others do theirs differently, but this works for me  |
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Moderator...can this thread be added to Hot Topics? Thanks! Leisa |
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Jodi -- congrats on a great open house! I did one in November last year for holiday shopping and did it much like yours. I had mine on Friday night and Saturday during the day. There were just a few people that came on Saturday (basically just a couple of my close friends). This year, I'm just doing Friday night. I didn't do a demo either, but also didn't do the drawings like you did, but I'm stealing that for this year! I did do a Holiday Trivia game and gave away a prize, as well as the Ugly Spoon Contest. I also gave tickets like you, but had other tickets for wearing holiday attire, bringing a stocking, etc. I ended up with $1500 in sales and 1 booking, and it really helped my December sell a thon. Hoping to have a good turnaout again this year, especially since I will send it to all my newsletter recipients too. Nice job! |
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Done, Leisa. Btw, YOU or ANYONE else can always add a Hot Topic link. At the very TOP of the page you'll find a link that looks like this: Add HOT Topic Links. Don't worry about putting them into any particular category. One of us Mods will have to do that for you. Just adding a link is all you have to do & we'll take care of the rest. Btw, Jodi CONGRATS &...... You're on FIRE!! Marian |
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