So here's what I sent out today to all my PC email list to try to get some orders so I can get my Santoku! (with the 3rd shift thing I just couldn't muster the energy to clean my house and have an Open House). So far NO one has taken me up on this!

It’s a very SPOOKY SPECIAL SALE. Purchase $31 in Pampered Chef Products Today or tomorrow and receive 31¢ shipping! This is a MYSTERY HOST SHOW. For every $25 product order you will receive your name in the drawing for the Free Products and any ½ price items earned by this show. If you purchase $50 in products you will get 2 chances $75 three chances, and so on. <O:P></O:P>
Also this month’s guest special is the NEWLY restyled Bar Board Free with $60 in products purchased