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General : Monster Cookies
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 Message 1 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePCBombChelle  (Original Message)Sent: 10/29/2006 11:21 PM
Anyone have a good Monster Cookie Recipe?  I found one on but I'm not sure I want to do it again.  Too crumbly.  Next time I'll add more peanut butter I guess.  Also, the Large Scoop doesn't make a large Monster cookie with the recipe I used!
I thought I'd see if anyone has an amazing Monster Cookie Recipe. 

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 Message 2 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamejen2babesSent: 10/30/2006 12:19 AM
You know.....I keep asking kids I know from the high school if they could get me the Monster Cookie recipe and nobody has done it for me, pout pout. We used to make them and used an ice cream scoop to drop them in Home Ec when I was in high school, they were SOOOOOO good. It was like every kind of cookie recipe mixed together, I miss them so much.

AHA, I just thought of something, my old home ec teacher's daughter is the same age as my oldest son maybe if I can catch her some day soon I will have to ask her to get me the recipe.

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Sent: 10/30/2006 1:51 AM
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 Message 4 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSandi4tpcSent: 10/30/2006 1:58 AM
Okay here is our family recipe for Monster cookies.....I hope you have a monster-sized bowl. We have an 18 or 20 qt bowl we mix it in....I usully bribe my sister to make it for me and buy the ingredients and split the recipe. Or I just steal some from mom every Christmas!!
However, my mom states this is the ONLY cookie recipe that she can't get good results with the PC stones and believe me she uses stones...has more than me--or used to before I joined!
2 cups butter (she always uses the real deal) [1 cup]
3 lbs. crunchy peanut butter [1 1/2 lbs.]
16 oz M&M candies [holiday colors always fun!]
2 lbs brown sugar [1 lb]
4 cups sugar [2 cups]
12 eggs [6 eggs]
1/3 cup light Karo Syrup [8 tsp or 2 tbsp + 2 tsp]
12 oz semi-sweet chocolate chips [6 oz]
8 tsp baking soda [4 tsp]
4 cups flour [2 cups]
16 cups oatmeal --quick cooking [8 cups]
Mix ingredients in order listed.....oatmeal always last and by hand [unless you have a commercial mixer--blown a few mixers up!!]
Bake for 8-9 minutes at 350 F
I figured up the 1/2 batch size but have never made it and didn't list the M&Ms 1/2 size because my sister usually puts more than called for in the original size could leave the amount the same.

 Message 5 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameChef_KellyMcSent: 10/30/2006 2:44 AM
Do you use the large scoop for these?  Level or heaping?  Do you have to flatten the dough out slightly before baking?  (I have made the Laura Bush's Cowboy cookies before and they work best if I flatten the dough out a little before baking.)  Also, I don't use my stones to bake my cookies either...but I swear by them for ANY other baking!  (I don't say this at shows, either unless someone directly asks me!)

 Message 6 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSandi4tpcSent: 10/30/2006 2:54 AM
I use the medium scoop and I've never flattened them [doubt she did either--maybe if she did that with the stones...she said they didn't spread on the stones].  I would up the baking time if you want to try the large Monster Cookie? I want some cookies!

 Message 7 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePCBombChelleSent: 10/30/2006 3:18 AM

Why is it that all Monster Cookies are made in MONSTER portions! lol!

I FINALLY finished baking these cookies and I started around 5:00!  Had to take some time off for supper and a few minutes in between batches for Extreme Makeover! lol!  But geesh!  4 hours!! 
I NEVER thought I'd use that giant SS bowl for anything and had actually planned on selling it rather than keeping it for myself.  But I simply didn't have a big enough bowl to make these in today.  So I pulled it out of my PC stash and it worked great!  I do need a more powerful mixer though or at least more powerful arms! My shoulders are KILLING me! 
I'll add the recipe that I used today at the bottom of this because they were really really good.  Just hard to work with.  I also cut it down quite a bit so I wasn't baking all day.  Good thing too cuz if I hadn't I'd be in the kitchen till dawn!
Linda's Monster Cookies
1 cup margarine
1 cup butter
2 cups light brown sugar
2 cups white sugar
4 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
4 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
4 cups rolled oats
2 cups semisweet chocolate chips
1 cup candy-coated chocolate pieces
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Grease cookie sheets.
In a very large bowl, cream together the margarine, butter, brown sugar and white sugar until smooth. Beat in the eggs one at a time then stir in the vanilla. Combine the flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and rolled oats; stir into the sugar mixture. Mix in chocolate chips and candy-coated chocolate pieces. Drop by tablespoonfuls onto the prepared cookie sheets.
Bake for 10 to 11 minutes in the preheated oven, or until the edges are golden. If you like chewy cookies, take them out before they look done.
I substitued peanut butter for the margarine because someone who commented about this recipe said they did! And I wanted peanut butter! lol!
I DID bake on the stone.  I wouldn't bake cookies on anything other than a stone!  That's how I learned to use my stoneware truthfully.  These cookies DO NOT spread.  You really do have to smoosh them down.  By the last two batches my hands hurt so bad from squeezing the Large Scoop that I resorted to the hamburger patty method!  Worked great!

 Message 8 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemom2kahSent: 10/30/2006 3:38 AM
Michelle -
Your cookies sound wonderful can you tell us how many cookies the recipe makes.  Thanks.

 Message 9 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePCBombChelleSent: 10/30/2006 4:16 AM
It said it makes 72 but I think I got more like 50-60 using the large scoop.  Hard to tell exactly how many I made cuz my hubby and kids eat about a dozen before I have time to count! lol!  Then when I started getting tired I started using my hands and they got even bigger!  Made one last MONSTER cookie too.  But if they were about the size of golf balls then I think you'd bet more like 72.  Maybe using the medium scoop? 

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