 | | From:  tdalco (Original Message) | Sent: 1/27/2007 8:51 PM |
got my changeover and went to install p3 and it only installs pp16. the disk says includes p3, but i can't get to it.... Anyone can help me? Teri |
 | | From:  mom2kah | Sent: 1/31/2007 3:28 AM |
It is a separate icon. I called today and HO told that the it is 95% bug free. Once you started submitting from there you can't go back to PP. She did tell me that you can't print sales receipts from P3. I asked her if PC was going to let us know when all the bugs have been worked out and she said yes. I installed it and imported my information so that I can play with it but I will not submit from it until then tell us it is safe to do so. At that point I will uninstall it and then reinstall it with all my updated information imported in. |
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Why did she say you can't print sales receipts from P3? I did it the other night and it was fine. I like that the reports and receipts are in PDF form, I can put them on my flash drive from my laptop and then just print from my desktop... |
 | | From:  merf66 | Sent: 1/31/2007 2:43 PM |
just received this morning regarding p3 from HO. Someone sent in their questions and here is the reply: > Dear Leanne, > > Thank you for contacting The Pampered Chef. PamperedPartner Plus > (P3) is initially targeted at new recruits. It is a wonderful and > easy to use program. For new Consultants, it?s much easier to > learn and much more intuitive than the older PamperedPartner. It > will grow with a new Consultant?s business, since we are > constantly updating and improving the program. With this new > technology we don?t have to wait for seasonal releases to add new > features. > > For veteran Consultants and Directors, they may find some of their > favorite features not yet available within this first release. I > would recommend that veterans install and play around with the new > program so that they can be supportive of new recruits. They may > choose to hold off submitting shows with P3 initially. That?s why > the CD that you received for changeover, has PamperedPartner > automatically update. As time passes, you will be informed of new > features and functionality that we roll into P3 and that will help > you decide when to transition. There are many things that we will be > able to implement within P3 and we would never be able to do with > PamperedPartner. > > If you do choose to install P3, the program will not replace > Pampered Partner and you can continue to use Pampered Partner as you > always have. Information can be transferred from Pampered Partner to > P3 during the installation of P3. > > Anthony Boroczk > Technical Support Representative > The Pampered Chef, Ltd. |
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so I got P3 instaled and was playing around........... I didn't see how to print receipts either..... mind sharing the secret?  it's been a long day so it could be that I'm blind!!! so, what does everyone else think about P3..... likes? dislikes? |
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Click on the SHOWS tab in the bottom left corner of the workspace. Open a show, then look near the SHOWS tab and you should see a button for PRINT RECEIPTS Then you choose which show you want receipts for, and it will create a PDF that you can save or print immediately. HTH~! |
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 There it is!!!! THANKS A BUNCH!!!! Really like that feature! Love the way the show report looks too!! Makes it much easier to double check each guests orders!! |
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Just wanted to pass on some info that came yesterday as I was on a director call with Stacy Pressman. Someone brought up the whole P3 confusion and asked her what she thought about it. She (as well as other upper level directors on the call) said that she is using P3 for her business and has been for several months. She said she likes it, and that we need to go ahead and switch over. The other upper level Directors agreed with her, and said they were also using it. They said that we need to be using it now so we can train new consultants on it. I figure if she can entrust her business as a National Exec with it, then I can too. She said that a lot of the problem has been rumors and such. Change is always scarry, but I am taking the leap :-) Just FYI Misty |
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You will have to open the disc and manually click on P3 setup in order to install it. It will only allow you to import your information from PP one time and after that you can't. If you have not done your income tax..I would do that before you install P3. There are reports that are not available and I am not sure which ones will be missing.
Sue |
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The CD in your business guide will automatically default to PP when you install. INstall that first ( remember you will need it for director reports) Now, you need to install P+ ---- locate "us_spr07_PP_Auto" on your cd drive and RIGHT click on it you should see about 7 programs on this CD, including the blue box for P+ all you need to do now is double-click that icon and it will guide you through that installation |
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I finally got P3 on my computer...took me awhile to figure out how to install it too... SO far I love it. I think I like it better than PP.  ~Amy  |
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I haven't installed it yet - too many other things going on right now...  BUT, after reading over everything & actually stopping to think about it for a bit, it is correct that once you submit with P3 you can't go back to PP. There would just be no way to pass the info back into PP once you import your old information & then start adding to it - look at it this way... say you have Office 03 & Office 07 Once you make a document in 07, you can't open it with 03 BUT you can open an 03 document with 07 because it's an upgraded version of the older program. It's just the way upgrades work. You can (almost) always open a lower version's info with a newer version of a program but you can't go backwards. Software just isn't backwards compatible like that. So if anyone was freaking out about not being able to go back once you submit shows, it's not anythng unusual. Just thought I'd throw that out there for you all. Once I get a chance, I'll install P3, check it out for a bit, get used to it & then start using it to submit shows. Just remember, all the new consultants will be using this & PP will most likely get totally phased out in the next year or two. Hope that helps some of you :) Kim |
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Here's a question about P3, I installed it on my computer, I go in to finish setting it up and download the program update from office. Does anyone know how long on a average it takes to do the updates when you are using dialup? (Yes I still am in the stone age when it comes to download speed.) I let it download for over a hr. & still couldnt tell how long I sill had before it would be done. |
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I have been playing around in P3 but haven't submitted anything through it yet. My question is how do you transfer your information from PP into it? I know that I was able to do it in the very begining when I set up P3(but don't remember how?) I have submitted a few shows since then and would like to update the P3 with that info. Kimberly |
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you have to import your information as you are installing it. There is no other way once it is installed. If you haven't submitted any shows with P3 you can uninstall it and reinstall it, and then do the import feature. HTH
Michele |
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Kimberly, As I understand it, once you add more to PP you will have to uninstall P3 and then re-install as before (there are really clear directions on CC by the way that I used - it said to hit cancel when it auto loads then go to run and enter something else - I did exactly what it said and it loaded no problem- it imported all my current info) Suzie, I just submitted my first show today. I am someone who always feels growing pains with new things especially technology, but looking at the features and the ease of a few things - ONCE I get used to it, I'm gonna love it. I have to still do the tutorial - the first night I was entering my show, my language at the computer was not great...... if you get my drift! BUT I have 2 new recruits who will be using it and wanted to be able to tell them what to do if/when they have questions. I can't find a print button anywhere on it - should have seen me this afternoon searching! Anyways, I was thrilled that about 20 minutes later I got an e-mail confirmation that my show had successfully submitted with key info on it that I could print out for a hard copy (- hey I'm old school old habits die hard I wanted something to print! ) That was cool! No questions about hoping it went through and waiting for it to show up on Ind Perf Tracker to be certain! Laura |