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If you know the "show number" as listed in the product adjustment area, you add a 01 to the end of the string of numbers and track by alternate reference number through FedEx. The string of numbers is: consultant # show type xxxx then add 01 hope that helps! If all else fails, call HO and ask for the tracking number or for them to track it for you. |
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Thanks SOOOO much!! Marilyn in GA |
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Can someone who knows how to do it post this info in 'How To l0l? I know I'll forget it (thinking of later LOL!) |
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Can someone who knows how to do it post this info in 'How To l0l? Just did it for you, Marilyn!  |
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I have a folder in my favorites........ "message thread links" I just bookmark the thread...... and change the "name" of the link from WLPCtoo to what ever the message is about! Makes it easy to find the ones I think I might want to find again. HTH~Suzie |
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What a brilliantly HELPFUL idea, Suzie!  Thanks 4 sharing it w/us!  |
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You guys are THE BEST!! I tracked it and her kit shipped this morning for delivery Tuesday! Woo Hoo!! Marilyn in GA |
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did it come up under your consultant number or hers? what's the lead letter? K=cooking show c=catalog show s= supply what's the kit show as? thanks so much! |
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It came up under her consultant number, and the letter was G. HTH, Marilyn in GA |
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G is the indicator for anything that we earn as consultants (sellathon, incentives, etc). As long as you know the new consultant # and the zip code to where it's going, you can track this way as an alternate refernce number. |
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Okay, I saved this thread and tried to follow it but I guess I wasn't 'getting it' but I do now. So if this helps.....log onto CC and go to product adjustment...as if you really are going to do a product adjustment. On the next page, click on the link that says: Can't remember Your Show order number? This brings up all orders related to you. I just let it select ALL for Show Type but you can pick from Catalog, Cooking, Booster, Samples, etc. It displays your shows with the most recent on top. Like mentioned in the previous posting the earned products will use a G in the order number. This information is what you need when you go to the Fedex website. On their main page, you click "Track Shipment" which [right now anyway] is center just below middle [did that make sense?]. Then click on Alternate Reference Track and you put in the second box your show info that you got from CC and then you enter your zip code in the bottom. VOILA! Hope this helps others!! Sandi |
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On mine, I could see where it was entered in the system 3/23, but I couldnt get any tracking information on it. even by adding 01 to the end. I hope it gets here soon. I'm so looking forward to my hwc products. I didnt get the apron that I so wanted. My booking wouldnt give me her stuff in time. (I practically begged her to go back to work to get the orders, but she wouldnt)
I am hoping they allow us to purchase it a at a later time. (I saw where others didnt think they would, but I can always hope!!!)
Christina |
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