 | | From:  farmchef1 (Original Message) | Sent: 3/27/2007 7:29 PM |
Anyone know the best place to get pink promo items - cheap preferrably  ..or can we still get any of the pins, car magnets..ect? I am hosting a benefit table in a couple of weeks and I am setting it with all our HWC items. I would really like some MORE pink stuff to decorate with and use as give-aways. I also need pink ribbon napkins, table cloth...all that stuff. Thanks for your input! |
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 | | From:  Hwade5 | Sent: 3/27/2007 7:47 PM |
Here is what I found when snooping around. The last couple of things on the list looked the best. You'll have to copy and paste the links.
http://www.positivepromotions.com/category.asp?c=3003&g=3&sid=YAH0&EID=OVI12150001357&OVRAW=breast%20cancer%20awareness&OVKEY=breast%20cancer%20awareness&OVMTC=standard |
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I know last year I got some butter mints from Oriental trading company with pink ribbons on them =) |
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Ok...this is too funny! There are a lot here....including a tablecloth! |
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Why not buy regular pink napkins and tie them with a pink ribbon?!! That would be adorable, and I'm sure a lot cheaper too! Michelle |
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I got some CUTE cellophane pick ribbon bags at a local Mom n Pop store ~ when I told her I wanted to buy a box of them...they only purchased one! But I'm sure you can get them online from someone ~ |
 | | From: mspibb | Sent: 3/28/2007 6:45 AM |
Someone added a link to Oriental Trading company. I just ordered Pink Ribbon imprinted pencils from them. They have pink party supplies (without ribbons) and TONS of Pink ribbon items. I ordered some of the mints also. Just go to their website and search for pink ribbon or awareness. I see they do have white plastic cups with pink ribbons. |
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OK, can I just say I LOVE the "save the boobies" apron - that is too cute! Thanks for posting that, Michelle. |
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I was at walgreens about 2 weeks ago and found the pink peanut M&M's. I don't know if they were old but I bought all three bags and put them in my freezer so I have them for May. Also you can check you local party stores as they tend to have the M&M's that you can purchase by colors. It's not cheap but at least I know where I can get them if I want to. Also you could probably buy a paper white table cloth and use a stencil and some pink paint to make a ribbon table cloth. I did something similar for my son's blue's clues birthday party one year. I painted paw prints on a white table cloth and everyone thought it was so cute. You could also use a big stamp or a stamp made out of a big sponge and do it that way. Tiffany |
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the post office has their pink "postal" bears....... and different note pads and stamp pins....... all with pink ribbons on it! |
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where can I get a pink ribbon stamp other than online? I'd like to use it as an accent to my invites, order forms, etc... |
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I would go to my local scrapbook store and ask them for help finding a pink ribbon stamp. I know the scrapbook store I go to will order things special for me if they don't have them in the store (of course that could be because there my in-laws). I would at least give it a try.
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OK I know this may be a little late but I just met someone who sells Close To My Heart. They have a nice ribbon stamp that can be used for just about anything. It comes with sayings like "Find the Cure", "Support Our Troops", etc. It is one of those clear acrylic stamps. And sells for $10.95, which isn't bad. It's NEW for the Summer, so they didn't have it in the spring when we were all planning our HWC Shows. But it will work for other causes and of course HWC next year.
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