1. use your batter bowls tied with a pink or yellow ribbon with your mini spatula as "idea" for mothers day
2. make sure to show the PINK products at BOTH (so have a bag in the car in the driver seat to remind you to bring them)
3. see if your FD has anything that you can borrow for one or the other - that way you don't have to stress about anything
4. see if anyone in your cluster has anything also
5. make sure you have EVERYTHING ready to go for both the night before
6. do the cucumber / lime demo at the "lunch" show - its in the doc's - its easy / fun / and you don't have to worry
7. RELAX you can pull it off (believe me this is coming from soneone who a week ago only had 1 cooking show and 2 catalog shows booked for May - now I have 2 cooking and 3 catalog shows AND I am coordinating a fundraiser / event for a local woman battling stage 4 Melanoma -- all while my oldest is graduating (promoting) from the 8th to 9th grade and going to Dallas for mothers day weekend - so enjoy and have fun
heather, IL