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General : OK how do I handle being double booked
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 Message 1 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamechef_med  (Original Message)Sent: 4/20/2007 4:04 AM
OK. So I now have 2 shows on the 5th of May. One's more like a booth and the other more like a lunch at my house.

So they are about an hour apart. So I've already figured that means if I want to have the lunch at my house I will need to make food ahead of time. Like the night before.

And the earlier one is about 15 minutes away from my house.

Any advice.


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 Message 2 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePCBombChelleSent: 4/20/2007 4:19 AM
I'd have everything ready at home BEFORE I even leave the house to do the booth.  That way you have enough time to put stuff away or clean up before people start to arrive.  If you're doing a demo at home I'd have that all set up and ready to go.  I'd try to keep the two functions completely seperate regarding products since you really don't have much time to clean up or set up. 

 Message 3 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamechef_medSent: 4/20/2007 4:27 AM
I know that's another thing that bothers me. Well the one earlier that morning is more like a booth. And I have some duplicates of things but not a lot to begin with.

My FD gave me a Small Round Stone. So I was thinking of bringing that because I know I won't be using it at my Party. And I have a Micro-Cooker that is still current. It's a small one but it works to at least show people.

I was also thinking of bringing my SA Small Bowls and Caddy. Since this is at an apartment complex.

But they also wanted Mother's Day gift ideas. Any suggestions?

 Message 4 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamehaklineSent: 4/20/2007 4:51 AM
1. use your batter bowls tied with a pink or yellow ribbon with your mini spatula as "idea" for mothers day
2. make sure to show the PINK products at BOTH (so have a bag in the car in the driver seat to remind you to bring them)
3. see if your FD has anything that you can borrow for one or the other - that way you don't have to stress about anything
4. see if anyone in your cluster has anything also
5. make sure you have EVERYTHING ready to go for both the night before
6. do the cucumber / lime demo at the "lunch" show - its in the doc's - its easy / fun / and you don't have to worry
7. RELAX you can pull it off (believe me this is coming from soneone who a week ago only had 1 cooking show and 2 catalog shows booked for May - now I have 2 cooking and 3 catalog shows AND I am coordinating a fundraiser / event for a local woman battling stage 4 Melanoma -- all while my oldest is graduating (promoting) from the 8th to 9th grade and going to Dallas for mothers day weekend - so enjoy and have fun
heather, IL

 Message 5 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePCBombChelleSent: 4/20/2007 4:51 AM
Mother's Day gift ideas:
Triffle Bowl!!  Pretty it up with some flowers! 
Small Bowls and Caddy filled with candy or sewing supplies.
Spatula's tied together with a bow and maybe a few flowers intermixed...kinda like a bouquet.
Kitchen Shears and a potted plant.
Woven Square lined with a polka dot towel with products inside
Hand Soap and Lotion Set
RUFTH trivet is a must!
Floral Cupcake pan & decorator bottles
Most of this could be taken to your booth and then placed at your home when you get back. 
Something I like to do is set it all up the night before and leave it.  Then if I need it before, at least I know where to put it BACK when I'm done.

 Message 6 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamechef_medSent: 4/20/2007 10:43 AM
OK well I was actually going to use the Trifle Bowl at my house to make dessert and I only have 1 so don't think that will work. Esp. since I want to have the food ready before I get back home. So I don't have to rush home & rush cooking.
I do need some more of our Spatula's I have 2 of the Sm. Mix N Scraper. Need the Floral Cupcake pan, RUFTH trivet, and Hand Soap & Lotion Set.
Don't know if DH will let me get any of the Woven Selections. He thinks I have enough tools already. Which of course I don't, just a duplicate of the SS Kit and a few extras.

Of course, my FD needed a prize for a booth we did so I gave her my extra Sm Oval Baker. It was a spare from my other SS Kit. Besides I already have a Cran. & Vanilla one. Didn't see the need for a 2nd Vanilla one. But she did give me the Sm. Round Stone in it's place. It's almost the same value, and the Sm Oval Baker came in the SS Kit so it really wasn't like I spent the amount they charge in the cattie for it.

Also she's being super nice and letting me use some of her catties until I get some in. Told her I'd have to take apart my Host packets for now to get some and she didn't want me doing that. Aside from the whole NC thing she's really nice and we get along pretty well.

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