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General : supply and sample orders while inactive
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 Message 1 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameGrubAlchemist  (Original Message)Sent: 4/21/2007 8:36 AM
Hey everyone. Been a while since I've been on the boards. I've gone inactive and want to order some supplies and next month's HWC products for samples to view at a fundraiser for the breast cancer association. I know I can order the catalogs but what about the HWC products. Can anybody tell me? Thanks so much.

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 Message 2 of 6 in Discussion 
From: mspibbSent: 4/21/2007 11:18 AM
from Policy's and Procedures:

An inactive Consultant loses the privileges listed previously under

“Active Status;�?however, they retain access to Consultant’s

Corner for twelve months and can place Supply orders

(excluding product) and submit Shows.

Since purchasing samples and supplies was listed as a privilege of active status I think you will have to reactivate to purchase HWC samples.  See my answer to the previous inactive question about getting active!
I have WAY too much free time on my night job (and I didn't feel like beading tonight!)  Melanie

 Message 3 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameTheChefLady4JCSent: 4/21/2007 10:30 PM
Hey Jenny (aka: MissMessMaker)....loooooong time no see on the board.  Been wondering where oh where you've been.  Also, noticed you changed your ID name.
Since Melanie has pretty much answered your questions already, I just wanted to say...
I've/We've MISSED your input that you used to give us here.....
Oh! And PLEASE don't keep yourself a stranger ok? 


 Message 4 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemiss_mess_makerSent: 4/22/2007 6:33 AM
Thanks Melanie. I remembered some of that from P&P. Guess I'll just have to buy the items from my hosts fundraiser for her and myself then. :)
Hey Marian! Yes I've been away for quite a while. I'm working a full time 'normal' job now. My PC gig is more for fun. Thought of you today. Just got back from the grocery store with some apples and caramel. I carameled 4 apples the other night and stuck them into the freezer to set and then the bf went and threw a bag of fish sticks on them so now I have to start over. Oh well guess I'll just have to make some pie with them. Humm wonder how that would turn out caramel apple pie....
I think when we first started having gremlin issues here it logged me out of msn and I couldn't remember how to get back in so I made this name. If I can figure out how to use the other one I'd use both.
CUTE BUNNY! I've got bunnies running around my neighborhood. Look like someones pets they let go. They've eaten their third jalapeño plant already from my "concentration camp" aka garden. The room mate says I buy the things to toucher them to death. Still haven't learned how to keep them alive in the desert here yet.
Do y'all know if there were any considerable changes made to P&P since last winter? Is shipping still $4.50? I know we switched to FedEx for shipping. Think it's any better than UPS?

 Message 5 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamesuziepamperedchefSent: 4/22/2007 6:25 PM
Hiya~ Jenny!!!
Shipping is $4.00
New Consultant kit is $155 (with different products)
P&P is now on consultant's corner, so you can check them all out there!!
Glad to "see" you again, been wondering if you left the area~
Blessings,  ~Suzie

 Message 6 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePCBombChelleSent: 4/26/2007 4:14 AM
Jenny!!!!  I've missed you so much!!!  Good to see you girl!

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