 | | From: dmschef (Original Message) | Sent: 7/15/2007 3:34 PM |
Does any one have any comment good or bad about pp+ ? I haven't tried it yet and I'm not very computer literate. I'm actually kind of afraid to even install it. How are you liking it? Is it difficult to navigate? Do we have to give up things that are beter in pp? Thanks, Daphne |
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 | | From:  PCDeb4U | Sent: 7/15/2007 4:03 PM |
I was hesitant like you to change, I was at leadership conference and was able to try it out there, and it scared me...lol.. and then a couple of months ago, I just went for it. I'm pretty much computer illiterate too. Everything I know, I taught myself. So if I can do it, so can you. I kind of planned it that when I switched, my 1st show would be a small one, because I take my computer to shows with me. As it turned out, that small show had over 20 people, so I did stress a lil,  but got through it, and it probably helped me learn it faster. It is alot different, but I think its alot better.  I hope this helps you go for it too. Let me know how you like it. |
 | | From: Belva | Sent: 7/16/2007 1:30 PM |
I haven't downloaded the update to pampered partner plus because I'm on dial up and my computer can't. Any suggestions? |
 | | From: Suz | Sent: 7/18/2007 4:13 AM |
Be careful with P3 if you have Windows Vista. I happened to have a computer die right when the new software came out, so I loaded it into my new computer. I am SOOOO technically challanged that I would have a hard time believing that I did anything but follow prompts & followed what it did automatically. So I don't know where this went wrong. Basically,I've recently learned that if P3 is installed in the wrong folder (programs) when using Windows Vista, it will keep having errors that will *eventually* leave the progam unusable. That happened to me, but only AFTER it worked just fine to submit two shows. For the third show, no dice. I spent a LOT of time on the phone with Tech Support, and then with others at HO, & my Director, since the show it would not let me submit was the one to keep me from going inactive! I have to do a Retroactive waiver due to the problems I had with P3!! So, in a nutshell, I'm not too happy with P3! |
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I changed to P3 after I got a new laptop with Vista. I experienced some similar problems as Suz. The biggest issue I have found is really because of the new folder structure that Microsoft created for Vista. I work with an IT department in a large corporation and we are testing all our applications for Vista and it is creating a huge effort to change our existing programs to work on Vista. I also have a problem with Vista not being compatible with a perfectly good printer that worked great with Windows XP. As far as P3 goes, I have had no problems after the initial set-up challenges. If anything is missing or from P3 that existed in PP, they are doing all they can to fix it. I love the feature where it loads up the past host information for you so you don't have to look it up if it was your host. I also like the fact that it can find the tax rate and city names for cities in your area. I mentioned that it should be able to find all cities based on the zip code, so that will be nice if it ever works that way. It took a little while to get used to some of the new features, but I really do like it. Oh and I love the fact that you can see the order history for each customer. That way, you don't need to look up each show to find the person and the order you may be looking for and you can see what these people have ordered from you pretty quickly. HTH, Tomi |
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I soo am scared to take the leap from PP to P3! I am completely computer illiterate so I am hesitating until they make it mandatory for the switch.  |
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 I LOVE P3!! It's so much nicer. I never really use the reports so I can't really comment on those. It takes some getting used to. But if you plan on recruiting EVER I think it's absolutely necessary that you learn P3 and use it. That's what all new recruits get. If they call you with a question and you can't answer, how does that make you look?  I like it because it's prettier! That old version was horrid. This looks soooo much more professional when you're at a show and someone's looking over your shoulder at your program. I've had several comments about it...do you get that for free?? GREAT conversation starter for recruiting!!  The one thing I don't like is that it takes a long time to start up. So if someone calls and wants to add an order real quick it takes a couple minutes. Which isn't a bad thing in that case because I get to chat with them about their order or products, etc. But when I'm in a hurry for a simple address or phone number it's really frustrating. Also at times it has to shut down to update and won't let you do anything else until you update. Again, good idea...not so good all the time...like when all you want is an addy or phone number.  I really like how it makes it almost impossible to make a mistake before you send your show in. Like it lets you know when something is on backorder.  It lets you know when something is wrong with the order...like shipping/tax is wrong on a direct shipping order.  It lets you know if payments are missing.  It brings up a screen at the end that shows EXACTLY where every order is being sent!! LOVE THAT!!  Also brings up a screen saying these people are eligible for the monthly special but haven't got it yet...nice when we have those buy $60 get something free months.  It also has this auto fill feature when you're putting in a customer name so if I type Michelle it brings up all the Michelle's in my contact list! Cool!!  Also has the add to contacts button right there where you're entering in the customer info. Love that too.  Love the tabs too. Everything you need for one customer is all in one place. No more pop up screens. I don't like pop up screens much!  For the payment area (consultant payment) it lets you choose if you want it to keep (save) your info or not. (PC CC#, debit # and such) I REALLY like that! Especially after hearing so many horror stories here on the board about people getting their computer stolen with their info on it and customer info! I don't keep any of my info saved just for that reason. It takes a little bit longer to enter it in at the end, but safer in my opinion.  Ok...last reason ( that I'll list) why I LOVE it!! It doesn't ask EVERY time if you want to back up. It does however tell you when it's been a week since you've last backed up. Good for people like me who don't have several shows and only need to back up once a week. Before I'd not back up very often and eventually I'd forget how long it had been since I'd backed up my info and it would end up being WAAAYYY too long between back ups!  There's really so little that I don't love!! It's really really nice. I think you should go for it!!!!! It's a little scary at first, but after you play with it a bit it's not scary anymore! And don't forget you can try it out and take your time to decide as long as you don't submit a show. After you submit your first show with P3 you can't go back to PP. Michelle |
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