 | | From:  chefShelby06 (Original Message) | Sent: 1/14/2008 6:01 AM |
I'm probably crazy, and I won't be offended if you tell me I am, but I was thinking about starting doing "party planning sessions" (need a more fun name for it so it doesn't sound like work).
I'll go sit at Borders or something, nice public neutral ground. Invite all my upcoming hosts to come, have a cup of coffee, bring me their completed guest lists, pick up their host packet (planning on not giving that until I have the guest list because I'm losing a small fortune to cancellations with postage and lost materials), pick a party theme if they haven't already. Go over everything in person. I would do this regularly depending on my show and personal schedule. Make other arrangements with hosts that just can't make it for whatever reason or those who live out of town or those that think I'm crazy.
If no one actually shows, I've gained like an hour or two of quiet (kids at home with dad) uninterrupted business time to either make calls (depending where I'm sitting), or work on something else.
I do not get quiet time at home, period. Well, I do at midnight but I'm sure I'd lose bookings quick if I tried to call hosts now! My husband doesn't do the best job of keeping kids off me while I'm trying to make calls and they see that phone on my ear as the best time to be on their absolute WORST behavior. And they always seem to find me no matter where I hide.
If someone does show, I've made more of a connection with my host than I could over the phone. I really hate using the phone and am much more comfortable in person and I think it's hard to explain some things over the phone.
If more than one host shows, I have killed two birds with one stone.
And on top of it all, my coffee is a tax write off.
Anyone have any "in person coaching" success stories or horror stories to share?
Think I'm crazy? :-) |
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And I almost forgot, here I sit in a public place in my Pampered Chef t-shirt or something so the hosts I've not met, or met only briefly at a fair, know which person I am.....never know who else might see me and take an interest.
 | (1 recommendation so far) | Message 3 of 8 in Discussion |
I do, but not as a group thing. A couple of years ago I had 8 shows booked in June, and we were earning fall products that month. They ALL cancelled!!  I knew I had to do something to change this!! So, I went to meeting all my hosts for coffee  to make it more personal, and I have not had any cancellations unless it was for something big, like a death. The shows have been bigger, too. It's also nice b/c they enjoy a quiet break in their day. It is well worth my time. The cost is just a little more than mailing the packet. Good luck! Sandi |
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It's also nice b/c they enjoy a quiet break in their day. It is well worth my time. The cost is just a little more than mailing the packet. Sandi, what an AWESOME idea! Never quite looked at it from a cost perspective either: mailing it vs. a cup of joe. And personally, if I were on the receiving end (the hostess) I'd sure appreciate this from my consultant, & would probably be more inclined to work harder at a more successful show just to show my gratitude at her thoughtfulness. Awesome! Thanks!! Marian |
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PS Btw, Sandi, how do you initiate this whole setup? Do you call them & ask them when can you two meet up so you can give the host packet & go over it with them? Just curious to know the "nuts & bolts" of all this. THANKS!! |
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I really want to improve my host coaching this year. I've tried to figure out how I could incorporate this into my routine. I love the idea, just can't quite figure out the logistics. I'm home full time with all 3 kids in school during the day. That is the easiest time for me to meet with hosts or get on the phone with them. Nights are almost impossible for me - with 3 kids in 3 different schools (not to mention 2 different school districts), all active in soccer, drama, band, choir, martial arts, Scouts, etc., there's no time in the evenings. By the time I have a moment to concentrate, it's at least 9:30 and I don't like to make calls that late. Unfortunately, most of my customers seem to work during the day. Plus, a lot of my customers are not in my immediate area. A lot of them are 15-25 miles north of me, and traffic is a major consideration around here. How do I improve my host coaching (over the phone OR in person - an idea I love) when I'm on a different schedule than most of my hosts? Teresa G. |
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When I make call #1, I tell them I'd like to meet them in person to go over everything, that most of my hosts get double free stuff when we do, and could we meet next week. Most of these are a 34 mile round trip for me. I tell them that if they work I would be happy to meet them on their break or at lunch. Then I try to always meet at the same place -- City Brew -- so I don't forget where I am going.  . I just have to remember if its the one on the north end of town or south. This is in a bigger town than where I live, so I save my errands for those days and write off the mileage.  I like it so much better than talking to them on the phone when they have 20 different things going on at the same time. I know when I am explaining something they are actually looking at it! Sandi |
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I think it sounds like a good idea to host coach in person, even in a group. You get all your coaching done quicker and you get out for a little while. You could even get some friendly competition going between the hostesses. The only down side I see would be getting all the hosts together at the same time in the same place. I wonder, too, what we could call that to make it sound fun...great idea!!! |
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