 | | From:  chefShelby06 (Original Message) | Sent: 1/28/2008 2:48 PM |
My new recruit (Hi Brandy if you are reading this) is $34.10 away from $1250 for her business launch party and seems a little frustrated trying to get those last orders in to qualify on her first party, so I thought maybe it would make her feel better to see that she has an INCREDIBLE first party!
My business launch I did open house style was $664.
My first cooking show with another host was pretty high - $1,016.92, but I told her I've, in 4 years, only broken $1000 maybe 4 times.
Anyone willing to share your first party totals? |
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My first show (over 5 years ago) was barely $150. I had 2 guests plus the host and me. Not to mention the host was a past Director (but inactive consultant) too. Thank goodness I did not put all my trust in my first show otherwise I would not still be doing this over 5 years later!! |
 | | From:  hakline | Sent: 1/28/2008 4:33 PM |
LOLOL - my first show - LOLOLOL Guests: Host the pastors wife her neighbor Total in sales $162.80 (mind you we had to order something in the hosts husbands name to make it LOL) Now my shows average about $460 YEAH! Heather-IL  |
 | | From: Amanda | Sent: 1/28/2008 6:01 PM |
My first show (held in my own kitchen) was about $460 in sales? It was almost 5 years ago, so I'm not sure. :) Amanda |
 | | From: skemble | Sent: 1/28/2008 6:53 PM |
My business launch party was a bust. No orders. But my first real cooking show was $716. but I did take a trip to the hospital as soon as it was over. So I it was a wash on commission. I had 7 stitches in my pinky finger and did that with the santoku knife. So way to go on the grate show. |
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my first show was at my home featuring the cool veggie pizza as well! I had my mom, my aunt, my ex-best friend, and another friend. Mom ordered $12 Aunt ordered $20 Friend ordered $40 + she brought 3 outside orders ex-best friend booked a party, and about $200 in sales. Ex-best friend then signed up before her party, had $912 on her wish list. One person showed up at the party, the guest was on welfare and chose a $6 pantry item. Instead of paying for it, my ex-best friend/new consultant gave the guest that pantry item for FREE. Since then ex-best friend fell off the face of the earth, got mad at me because I didn't take a day off of work (I was the only one working at the time - my husband had just been laid off of work) and drive to the Trya Banks show in Los Angeles. She never paid me gas money on our previous trips, so I knew she wouldn't pay me gas to go to Tyra Banks Show, so I told her no I couldn't go, and she got pissy and never qualified, and never talked to me again. She also has since then changed her email address and her phone numbers. She always was a bit strange and this just sent her over the edge I guess... That's how my business started off. I started in June of 2006 and didn't quailify until November (past 90 days) of 2006. Brandy is off to a GREAT start. Allison |
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Oh my goodness Allison I have a sort of similar story. My ex-friend Mary Ellen won the Mystery Host at my launch, probably because she agreed to book a party and go extra tickets accordingly.
So party time rolls around I can't get her on the phone or email, a mutual friend says they never got an invitation, I finally caught her on the work phone and she said she got sidetracked and rescheduled for the next month (new specials etc). The next month rolls around and I still can't get her on the phone or email and mutual friend still isn't invited.
I've sent her invitations since then to NON-PC related things with no response and also an email when my brother in law passed away because she knows my sister in law because we all worked together. So now my brother in law passed away and I didn't hear a thing from her, but she DID call the mutual friend to get info so she could send flowers to my sister-in-law. Which I thought that was nice BUT the fact that she deliberately avoided calling me for the info, when she could have offered condolences to my husband and I for OUR loss at the same time, and called an unaffected 3rd party for the info was my final straw.
People are weird. Maybe I should start a separate thread, how many of you have lost friends because of your business. I have MADE a ton of friends though to make up for it and I guess this is how you find out who is REALLY your friend. |
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My kick-off party 4 years ago was awful, I had to beg a bunch of outside orders just to hit $200! I think any of us would be VERY happy for a $1,200 show whether we are new in the biz or experienced!!! As far as the "lose a friend because of PC" thing goes, let me ask you, would you eventually have lost the friend anyways? These "friends" don't sound like they were really great friends to begin with (no offense!). I have never lost a friend over PC, and actually I have made some very close friends because of it. I hope you all can have that same experience! It's one of my favorite things about PC. :) Leisa |
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My first host had a 650$ show and she has hosted every single year since then! I'm going on year 4 now. My worst show was with a past PC consultant who claimed she always had 1K shows...we party swapped...she is now doing MK. My MK show was first...almost 500$ in sales...thanks to my wine drinking mother who whipped her shirt up and used that skin firmer on her belly (letting everyone know she had 8 kids...and the stretch marks to prove it). This party was 2 years ago and I STILL haven't used my free foot package. Her PC party? was open for 5 weeks...I left her house with 65$ in sales, closed at 150$ with her purchasing some items to bring her up to a qualifying show. Jody :) |
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7 years ago when i did my first show i wanted to earn the $100 i spent on my kit. My first show was just over $400. Sounds like your new consultant is off to a great start!!! WAHOOOOOO! |
 | | From: Geli | Sent: 1/29/2008 2:50 AM |
My first show was 272, my second 550, and I had two more catalog shows and qualified in my first month. Yay :) That was two years ago under the old super starter program. I'd give ANYTHING for a Kilo show! My highest ever was close to $800. |
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Eleven years ago my first show was $1067.00 with two bookings. Funny thing about it, I messed up my recipe, and the bookings were with complete strangers!! I always put this snipit in when telling my story. Best thing is I made over $200 for about 2 hours worth of work 'LEGALLY' Everyone always chuckles! |
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Jan 2, 2001 28 guests $1,897 sales 8 bookings 2 recruits Get this...I was soooo nervous I didn't say a thing about booking or recruiting! Ginny |
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Jan 2, 2001 28 guests $1,897 sales 8 bookings 2 recruits Get this...I was soooo nervous I didn't say a thing about booking or recruiting! Ginny |
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My first show was a flop! It was for my x-sister in law. She invited people from her work. The only people who showed up was 1 lady from her work who brought her husband (because they only have one car and dont go anywhere without eachother), SIL roommate's friend. (her roommate didnt show up) I didnt even have enough to make an order! I think the lady bought the salad choppers. So, I combined her show with a catalog show (my 2nd show) that didnt make it to 150 either... it worked out I guess. lol Christina |
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My first show was on the last day of March that I hosted for myself. It was over $450 and I split it into two shows so that I could get the March host special [woven baskets] and the April special [can't remember!]. My highest show is over $700. I started in 2005. Sandi |