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I just took out from hiding our themed "Central" pages from Valentines Central to Tax Time Central, so that you'll get a chance to peruse those saved messages from the past one last time B4 we're shut down next month. As always, these are located via our MSN Groups webpages on the left hand navigational tool bar. <<---------------- By the way, if there's another Central page you'd like to see one last time, let one of us Managers know & we'll go & unhide it for you as well ok? Love to all, Mod Marian |
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Any news as to where we are relocating our board?
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No, not yet. Let me tell you, MSN has left some VERY BIG shoes to fill, & quite frankly NONE of the alternatives can fill them, not in the least. If all else fails, we can always resort back to our sister site on Yahoo Groups. I know it'll not be the same thing, but for the most part at least most of our members will be able to use it without many problems. Though even Yahoo won't ever be the same as MSN. Although Yahoo is now trying out a beta version of their groups which supposedly will add some new group features. We shall see. In the mean time, I just suggest to keep using our MSN group as long as we possibly can. Thanks for all of your patience as we Managers/Mods work through all of this craziness!! Marian |
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Where will all the documents go ? |
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All our documents are safe and secure and over on Yahoo! Michelle |
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