 | | From:  PamperedVA2 (Original Message) | Sent: 1/10/2009 8:26 PM |
Whats this the difference between "inactive" and "going inactive"? I have a hard enough time trying not to "go inactive". Now I need to turn in $150 a month? The didn't give clear enough details on what happens if you don't turn in $150 in sales each month. VA |
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 | | From: Geli | Sent: 1/10/2009 9:09 PM |
the very last sentence of slide 13 is "consultants don't go inactive under the new plan". |
 | | From: Geli | Sent: 1/10/2009 9:13 PM |
I wish I could edit my post... It sounds like they are putting more emphasis on rewarding activity (sending you a postcard each active month) instead of punishing inactivity (by taking away career sales). |
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Does this mean I don't lose my career sales and my 2% from my $15,000 I got caught in the Dec. 1 computer glitch fiasco. I intentionally saved and show for Dec so that I could stay active to the end of Feb. I didn't see the email telling of the change until I saw my commission in the 8th. So my Dec sales got counted for Nove. Now I am left scrambling for my sales by the end of this month, I am not happy about this whole issue. I need details! |
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Sorry, I laughed at the postcard idea. |
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The new career plan does not go into affect until April 1st so it seems to me that you CAN go inactive at least until April 1st, so don't get too comfortable.
I agree that they did not say what a consultant has to do to lose their recruits and career sales....if that makes sense. Not like it is something you would do intentionally, but how long can you be not "active" before your upline gets your recruits and you go back to getting 20% base commission. |
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A former consultant told me it sounds like they are trying to weed out the hobbyist consultants. |
 | | From: Geli | Sent: 1/10/2009 10:24 PM |
"A former consultant told me it sounds like they are trying to weed out the hobbyist consultants."
A little bit. But it also helps the ones that don't have big teams. It's easier to earn overrides. If you get overrides with just one recruit, then at least in my mind the "who knows when I'll get a second one" is not there anymore and even just one recruit will advance you to "senior consultant". And you can be a director just based on sales! |
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I got an email from a dir at conf that states in the new program: "definition of an Active consultant - a consultant who submits $150.00 in commissionable sales a month (You can become inactive if you do not submit it, however you do not lose your status with the company unless you don't submit the $150.00 in commissionable sales for 6 consecutive months)" I'm not sure about "the status with the company part" no other details were given ..... hope this helps to clarify..... Laura |
 | | From: Geli | Sent: 1/10/2009 11:19 PM |
My guess would be that you can't "reactivate" after six months of inactivity. You'd have to sign a new consultant agreement and start over, but you won't lose your sales after one or two months of inactivity. If that's the way it is, I like the new way :) |
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Hey everyone! I can feel the confusion in the air, and I too felt confused when we first heard about all of this at leadership. Hopefully what I have to say will put your minds at ease. Q: What happens if a Consultant does not sell $150 every month? A: After 2 inactive months in a row, career sales and the 2% comm. increase (if already earned) are forfeited. ( ok so where you used to need $200 in sales every 2 months to keep it all, now you need $150. If you doid $150 in may and none in June, you would do $150 in July and all is well.)
Consultants do NOT lose their recruits. We want consultants who have already started to build a team to re-engage in the business with their team in place. To help in a prolonged situation, a consultant can request a one-month extension. This gives her one additional month in which to submit $150 in sales, so she can retain her career sales and 2% commission increase.
Ex.: Lori didn't sell at all in June. In July she sold $100 but didn't reach the $150 active requirement. She requests and is granted a one-month extension, which means that she will need to submitat least $150 in comm. sales in August to retain her career sales and 2% comm.
After 6 months of CONTINUOUS inactivity, the consultant aggreement is dissolved. At this points, recruits are re-assigned to the next upline active CONSULTANT. (notice it does not say Director)
Guys, this really is a good thing. Yes, it is change, but it is GOOD change. You are actually getting a raise when all is said and done. If I can help answer any more questions I will try. Misty |
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