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General : Moving Day UPDATE!!
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From: MSN NicknamePCBombChelle  (Original Message)Sent: 1/20/2009 1:27 PM

Ok everyone...I know you're dying to know what's going on and we promised to keep you updated.  So here's the far.

We have had the hardest time finding a site that compares to MSN's features and warm and friendly atmosphere.  And finding a FREE site that is comparable has been a very long and hard task.  However, we've finally come to a solution!

As everyone who has ever moved anywhere, new message board, new town, new house, etc., you know that it's a rough transition.  We hope that you all will bear with us as we work out the kinks at our new

We are in the process of setting up our new Message Board HOME at Aimoo communities.  It is a very warm, friendly atmosphere for a message board, has no advertisements, and has a CHAT feature that we've all been missing for a very long time!  However, there is one BIG issue that held us back from our final document storage.  I better FREE document storage.  And we WILL NOT charge our members for use of our message board.  Soooooo....

All of our documents will be stored on Yahoo groups.  We had to set up 2 groups to do this HUGE task.  Do you all realize how many darn docs we have here? lol!!  It was a very big task and we're happy to inform you it's DONE!!  Whoo Hoo!!  Or should I say "YAHOO!"  Ok...that was cheesy...sorry for that!

Because Yahoo's storage space is limited we had to break up the docs a bit into two groups.  We just couldn't delete any documents to make space on one group...they are all very important and vital to our businesses.  So we now have 2 document storage sites.  However, we will only be using them for storage.  We will keep our Message Board over on Aimoo.  Yes it will be a bit of a challenge to get used to having three groups, but it was our BEST solution to the no free storage issue on Aimoo and the cold and confusing message style on Yahoo.

This group will be fully functional until February...which is coming up too soon and by then we should be completely moved over to Aimoo.  That message board is currently UNDER CONSTRUCTION so we will not be posting the URL for that until we are confident that we're ready for Moving Day.

"Moving Day"...what an exciting and scary phrase that has been for all of your friendly ModSquad (I'm sure that goes the same for all of you too).  Again, please just bear with us a bit longer as we get things ready for all of you.  We hope to unveil our new home within the next few days when you'll be receiving important announcements on the board and in your inbox.

Thanks for your patience!

The ModSquad

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     re: Moving Day UPDATE!!   MSN Nicknameelain_pa1  1/20/2009 2:35 PM
     re: Moving Day UPDATE!!   MSN NicknameRubberChef  1/20/2009 3:01 PM