 | | From:  Pseudochef76 (Original Message) | Sent: 8/27/2008 5:12 AM |
Hi! Checking in as a newbie. My name is L. Renee Townsend, and I live in NC. I just recently wrapped up my 90 days as a PC consultant. I became a consultant because I wanted a PC kitchen. Becoming a consultant seemed to be the most advantageous way to earn one. Thanks to commisions, bonuses, specials, discounts, incentives (and the list goes on), I'm happy to say that my PC kitchen is growing nicely.  I always tease my guests that I'm my best customer. It seems that at every cooking show, or whenever I bring up that I'm a PC consultant, people comment that I must love to cook. I always tell them that I can't stand cooking, which is why I love PC. The cook gadgets makes my time in the kitchen short and enjoyable. I also love the interactive demonstrations! For me, it means that I still don't have to cook...I just get to observe others doing one of my least favorite chore while telling them what I love about the products. I have to be honest though. I squeezed in one last party before my 90 days, and now find that I have no parties scheduled on my calendar.  I've been combing through the discussion board. My network knows I'm a PC consultant now. I definitely don't want to be the gal people cop a U-turn when I come because they think I'm going to pressure them about PC. One thing I am going to do is have a Mystery party at the end of each season. Like I mentioned, I had one just recently to top off the season. It was semi-successful. And I know it would have been more successful if I had realized before I passed out the invitations that a Women's Conference was scheduled that same weekend. I want to branch outside my network and make new contacts. I saw the fundraiser suggestions about going to schools and daycares. I'm going to give that a try. If anyone else has any other suggestions, please please offer them! Well, I'm a rambler. Short and sweet typically isn't my style.  |
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once everyone you know knows you are a consultant, it's time to just talk to them... the best approach is not to throw up on people. So let them bring up PC in their conversations with you, not you.
My 8+ years of direct sales talking here... some people will flat out tell you to leave your PC conversation at the door when you walk in and other just like to listen.
also you want to call everyone who ordered in the past 90 and ask them who they know who would like to have a show.
and just be in contact with them once a month.
Have you made your lead binder yet?
if you have then you know when to contact people again, because you moved them to which ever month they told you to contact them again... if you haven't made your binder yet - I'll have to make a new thread about it.
After I get home from work tomorrow.
I work from 4 pm to 1 am (I know you're tired just imagining it - add in some 50 lb boxes and some annoying customers and you got the swing shift @ Wal-Mart) |
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There's some great info in this post so I'm reposting without the violating email addy. You can find her email by clicking her MSN nickname should you need it. Reply
 | | Renee, Hi there! I am in the Ferriera Cluster in New Bern. As far as bookings, I just mention to everyone I see that if they could use new cookware, Sept is the month to invite some friends over to sample a recipe or two. I have 8 or 9 kitchen shows on the calendar and 2 catalog shows. But as far as reaching people in your daily journey, the PC Logo Shirts(Merrill), the Catalog Shoulder Bag (PC Supply Form)and the PC WIndow Decal (from Merrill) encourages people to reach out to me...that will take your business outside your circle of family and friends. A business can't grow if you do not get pass them. Honestly, except for my sister, I haven't even asked a member of my church to do a show.As far as fundraisers, email me <<MODERATOR DELETED EMAIL>> if you didn't get the conference call Weekly Tidbits flyers on fundraisers and I will email them to you as attachments. Cluster Meetings, Conference Calls, and tele classes on fundraisers, are good helps. How do I find fundraisers? I listen. Many times in conversations people will say, our church, or our scouts, or a benefit etc...when I hear people talk about a group is having a fundraiser or they need money for a particular group, activity, or object--I say, have you thought about a fundraiser through the Pampered Chef? Hope this helps. All of the above is working for me. I have been in PC just 16 months--growth and consistency is always a work in progress! | | |
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