 | (1 recommendation so far) | Message 1 of 24 in Discussion |
| From:  jodybbslp (Original Message) | Sent: 7/2/2005 12:01 PM |
My husband is active guard reserve in the Army...E-7 (Sergeant First Class). Robert Bousquet, Jr. Thankfully, he returned safe and sound from a 15 month stint in Iraq just before the superbowl this year. jody |
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I got out of the Navy a year ago, right before I started PC. My hubby is a Petty Officer Third Class (E-4) in the Navy and is getting ready to start work-ups so the ship and command can get ready for deployment. He leaves me starting Tuesday for three weeks at a time and then deploys for the first time in February or sooner (you know how the military is). I know that I will need all of your support then! |
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This message has been deleted by the manager or assistant manager. |
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My hubby is active duty Army, 1Lt. He has been deployed for 2 years now. He spent a year in S. Korea and then was deployed to Iraq for the second year. He is due home in a matter of weeks!! I'm so excited! I started PC to keep myself busy while he was away and to keep myself sane with our two toddlers (ages 2 and 3 1/2)! Now I'm looking forward to being able to share what I do with him (and let him take the kids for a little while too)! Michelle |
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Please thank each and every one of your husbands (and others), for fighting for our way of life. They are brave, courageous, and selfless. I honor each and every one of you for standing behind each and every one of them...for it isn't easy to be left behind waiting. Let us all pray with all of you for reunions of your families that are swift, safe, and sure. God bless! |
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My husband Philipp left for the big sandbox in May. He's scheduled to come back in September. He missed our 5-year anniversary, our 3-year old's birthday, and he will miss our baby's first birthday, his birthday, and a LOT of milestones for both our boys. :( But, thank God, he is in a safe area. I get to talk to him every day, and email pictures. I have no idea what he does, but he seems to be winning a lot of chess games! :) |
 | | From: Katie | Sent: 7/6/2005 5:48 PM |
my husband is a USMC reservist who is NPQ (not physically qualified) for drills at the moment. His unit just recently got back from Iraq (he had to stay due to medical problems) back in March I believe. |
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My thoughts & prayers are with each of you who have loved ones currently deployed. I have been in your shoes, and they are not always easy shoes to walk in are they? My husband was deployed back to back, thankfully the 1st was here in the US however, for him to 8 hrs away was difficult. Nothing prepared us for the 2nd to be 6000 miles away in what he called the "Big Sandbox". He was deployed to Iraq with the 800th MP Battalion. He was deployed for a year and a very long year at that. Keep smiling and keep praying, I know sometimes you'd like to hide under the covers and not come out but stand proud, your soldier makes all of us proud. |
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Hello, I am a military wifey too. My hubby is in the NAVY and currently deployed to the big beauty (the boat! :) ) He should be back in a month or so and leaves for cruise in feb 03 along with MMKKluvsPC hubby. We are both located in CA so it will be nice for us to have each other along with this board full of others that know how hard it is. Thank you for all the support, with this and PC! Heather
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Dearest friend in the whole world, who is like a brother to us, is Army, deployed somewhere around Kirkuk, Iraq. He's proud to do the job he does, is sweet as all get out, and pretty cute, too. BTW, he's single....................!! |
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I am very PROUD of all the men and women that have anything to do with serving our country. My youngest son just re uped in the marines he is now on his 3rd tour in Iraq. I pray for all of them. Margie (proud mom of a Marine) |
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Please say thank you to all of your husbands.
I would like to take this Memorial Day Weekend to honor our nephew who was lost in Baghdad 2 years ago next week. |
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Hi Sandee here and also a Navy wife. My husband has luckily been on shore duty for almost four years now while he was being sent to school but that time is fast approaching an end. we have about eight months left on shore and then who knows where we will be moving to? Our kids are dreading the move - the oldest (15) has a girlfriend and the middle one (9) doesn't want to leave his friends again. What is going to be even harder for them is being on the officer side now instead of the enlisted side and moving every 3 years (sea duty time) and then every 2 years (shore duty time). |
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Hi everyone!! First, I want to thank all of the family members who are serving in Iraq or anywhere else overseas for everything they are doing to keep us free. It is a great sacrifice to have to go over there and I know it's not easy on anyone. I know this because my daughter is serving in Iraq with the Army. She is a nurse and is working at the hospital in Baghdad. She was working on a ward but is now teaching field trama medicine to Iraqi doctors, nurses and medics. She feel by doing this she is giving back to their country some of the skills that are needed there. She was just home on her mid-tour leave and will be back there until December. I know how hard it has been on her and all of us. Her daughters really miss their mommy but my son-in-law is doing a great job handling everything needed in her absence. Thanks again to all who serve and the families left behind. Jo Anne |
 | | From: Geli | Sent: 3/4/2008 1:00 AM |
Another Navy wife here. DH spent 11years on active duty and is now a reservist. Currently not slated to deploy yet, but of course that can change any time. We live in Oregon, which is very non-military, a big adjustment to me.. Geli |