Congratulations! That's a HUGE step in the right direction. I'm proud of you! Let us know how things turn out when the 6 mos are up & you go for the actual driving test ok?
PS Btw, just curious, but how do you do shows without the ability to drive? I'm thinking that driving is such an essential in this biz that I can't even imagine doing it without a vehicle. I DO you do it? Inquiring minds gotta know!!

But then again, I remember when I first started PC 8 yrs ago there was a consultant on another group who lived in or around NYCity (or was it Manhattan?) & she didn't have a car either & just relied on public transportation. Not only did she have to deal w/being on a bus/subway, but she also had to lug her stuff onto elevators & such. Talk about the necessity to downsize what you bring to shows!! If my memory serves me correctly, she did fairly well too. Don't know whatever happened to her though....I just thought it interesting that she was able to accomplish what she did.