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Hey, I know many of you have small children so I was wondering if any of your children is allergic to moquito and/or fly bites.
My first experience with this problem was last May when my daughter had just turned 2. She got bit on her big toe and it swelled something terrible. IMMEDIATELY rushed to the doctor and they were perplexed too. Ordered an antibiotic, the general skin condition one, and it seemed to help it clear up. Later in the summer, she had the same redness with a tiny whitehead-looking bump in the middle of the red and swollen skin. This time they suggested benadryl to reduce the inflammation and swelling. Winter came, no problems.
Summer's here again and she woke up monday morning with a swollen eyelid!! I first thought, "pinkeye," but the whites of her eyes were clear. Then she complained that her ear hurt and I thought, "ear infection," but when I looked at her, her whole outer ear was red and swollen and could see the whitehead-looking bump in about 3 places. (Picture Will Smith in the movie Hitch when he eats the shellfish! It was that swollen.) Then I see a spot on her wrist and on her chin. I figure it itches so I coat each spot, except her eyelid, with hydrocortizone cream, and then later think, "this is like last year," and give her some benadryl. This morning when she wakes up her eyelid is nearly swollen shut; she can't even force it open!!!! And the redness around her ear, on her wrist and chin has spread. And she has 2 or 3 new bites various places on her face/neck. So I give her more benadryl and wait a couple hours to see if that helps. No, so we visit the doctor again. This time she prescribed continuing the benadryl, but also a prednizone (sp?) steroid to reduce the swelling. By this evening the swelling has reduced some on her eyelid, I can now see her eye, and her ear is not so red and swollen, and other bite areas are not as red and swollen either.
I'm just wondering if anyone else's child has had this affliction and how you deal with it. Also, has a child had it and then later in life gone away, as some allergies can do.
We also are pretty sure she's getting bitten at night while she sleeps, because the bites only appear in the morning, not at other times during the day. We've searched her room for mosquitos/flies/spiders/other creepy things and can't find anything; changed and washed sheets. We're pretty sure it's not fleas from the dog, 1) he's not scratching, 2) no one else in the house has this problem, 3) it's her face, hands, neck that are getting bitten, not her feet and ankles.
Sorry for such a long post, but I could use some advise/help here and I want you to have as much info as possible to compare to a situation you might know. I know you're not doctors, but you are moms and moms are pretty smart!
No one else in our families has an allergy like this. That's why I'm at such a loss as to how to take care of it without running to doctor every time or how to prevent it in the first place. Maybe going to the doctor is the right thing to do in order to get the prednizone, but I don't want to drug my child!
TIA and SSL!!!! jill : )
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I am allergic to bug bites... they swell up horribly and I get really itchy and it's unbearable. I manage to avoid getting bitten most of the time, luckily. A few years ago, I had a flea problem with my dogs and I had bites ALL OVER ME and I looked so diseased. I went to the doctor and he actually prescribed Atavan (anxiety medication) to combat the itchiness. I took one and stopped because it nearly knocked me out cold. Plus I don't think that is probably good for kids. I would think the Benadryl is the safest thing. |
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HI Jill, I can tell you I know where you are comming from. My now 6th grade son had that problem. The worst was almost exactly 9 years ago, he got some bites in his little boy region, and we nearly spent his birthday in the hospital. He had oral antibiotics, benedryl, prednisone, and finally a shot of superantiobiotic as well as continuing everything else for several days. Fortunatly I can say, he has pretty much outgrown the severe swelling. He still gets a little bit of a rash/swelling at times from insect bites, but nothing like he did when he was 2-3. Our Dr at the time also recommended cold/warm packs too to help with the swelling. Keep hanging in there, it can get better!! I realize that you said you don't want to medicate your child, but you might also want to consider visiting with the Dr about allergy meds such as Zyrtec, or Claritin. My boys take them off and on for allergies, hayfeaver type stuff. I know that Zyrtec has helped my boys out from time to time. I don't like giving them meds all the time either, so it has been nice that I can get it to them when they need it. |
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My middle child has what has to be allergies to mosquito bites. We've never taken him to the doctor specifically for them, but the doctor did notice one at an appointment once and said just to give him so benadryl. They swell up to about quarter size red spots with a big blister in the middle. After a few days the blister will either go down, but most often bursts because of the activity level of my son. They were a cause for concern at school because of the blisters, but once I told them it was just a mosquito bite they knew it wasn't anything to worry about spreading. We just put a bandaid on them when we're going to school to avoid the worry. It's not fun for him. They don't always itch a lot, but I know they irritate him. He's learned to not scratch them and most of the time doesn't. When they are too itchy we just put a bandaid on to keep his fingers away. We don't give him a lot of medications for it if any. Unless they are in an uncomfortable place like his eyelid then we'll give him the benadryl for swelling. I'm just always leary of over-medicating my kids so we don't do it unless really necessary for the bites. As for the bites not showing up till the next morning, that happens a lot with my son. He'll get bit that night and then they don't welt up until the next morning. We went through the same thing of thinking he was getting them at night in his sleep until we started noticing a pattern of there being more of them when we were outside. Michelle |
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Thank you everyone who responded. I appreciate you telling me about your own situations. I am going to start looking for patterns of activity (outside=more bites) to see if they're really happening during the night; it just seems to be that way right now.
Thank you, Chef Joy West, for the great idea of a mosquito canopy, aka princess bed!!! My girl is very much into princesses and her princess dress and reading Cinderella, so she might really go for that.
I'm glad there is hope for the future of the reaction to the bites becoming less. My husband also mentioned last night maybe we should take her to an allergist to find out, if we can, to what she's reacting.
The prednisone/benadryl cocktail seem to be working; her eye is much better today, just little swollen. And I haven't noticed her scratching at any of the areas, so that's a good thing. She just seems to be way more hyper than usual and I'm soooo thankful she took a nap this afternoon. I'm not sure I could have listened to her a-l-l day l-o-n-g!!! I love her, but mommies need a break too!
Thanks again and if anyone else has anything they'd like to add, feel free! |
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Jill, I know I am coming to this discussion late, but I thought I would add my own two cents. I would recommend taking your daughter to the allergist. My daughter(13 months old) is allergic to a variety of foods, some of which we had been giving her, but we didn't find out until she was 10 months old. I know this isn't the same as your situation, but it is similar. My daughter has eczema which itches a lot. Her allergist prescribed Atarax to be taken at night and nap time for itching. This may help. As for your unique case, my niece has the same problems. My sister treats it by bascially doing the same things you are doing. Prevention is the best course of action. Try to avoid her exposure as much as possible. I hope this helps. Hilda |
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Just wanted to quickly respond to you! My daughter is now 24, and when she was little she was terribly allergic to mosquito bites. In fact when she was in third grade we went to Disney on vacation and got all bit up the night before we left, she got so bad that we were just about to take her to the emergency room, and then we found a great surprise. She went swimming in the hotel pool, the chlorine worked miracles. It saved her from the emergency room that night, and then a summer later at Girl Scout Camp. So after that if she got bitten up, off to the pool we would go. We even found out later that it wasn't just the bugs, but she stepped on a thorn from an apple tree in the yard, and she was overnight big foot! then bee stings, and on and on. However she is now 24, and while the mosquitos still really like her, and they turn a bit more red than an average person, never the extreme reaction she had as a child! |
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Thanks to all who given suggestions. Since the original post my daughter hasn't been bitten quite so severely. We noticed some tiny red spots last night, but not the oozing and swelling like before.
I'll keep in mind the chlorine pool "cure!" Glad to hear that it won't last her lifetime, hopefully.
Hilda, my husband and I discussed taking her to an allergist, but haven't come to a final decision yet. Need to check with insurance first, too. |
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