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OFF Topic : I'm going back to school!!
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePCBombChelle  (Original Message)Sent: 10/17/2008 12:04 AM
Well I applied at least!  Now comes the rest of the application process and then enrolling and financial aid...  But I'm really kinda excited to go back!  It's been 7 years.  I need this for me and for my family.  I'm not sure when or where PC is going to fit in at the moment as I'm already struggling to make it fit with my hubby's schedule and my refusal to pay a babysitter so I can do shows.  But we'll just take things as they come. 
Pray for me...that I can find the motivation and time and organization to do well and not feel like I'm leaving my family or my PC biz and keep the stress at a minimum!

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameladyhdavisSent: 10/23/2008 3:55 PM
I started working on my Masters in May.  I earned my B.S. back in 2003.  I am also learning to juggle quite a bit as I returned to work fulltime in September.  It is normal to have anxiety and excitement.  Enjoy the moment.  Take care.