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How much do you pay your daytime sitters? We have been paying $20 for half days and $25 for full days Half days are 5.5 hours for one of my kids and 5 hours for another. The full day is 8.5 hours for the baby. I'm not even working a full day--just 6.5 hours. I'm just feeling hosed with the $20 for the half day. What do you pay?? Tara in Cincinnati, OH |
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Lisa, please be very careful not to add your PWS or email addy or phone number at the end of your replies. I'm assuming you replied via email and that was just your signature line. Just be sure you delete that before posting anything to the board as per our Rules & Guidelines. It's for your own protection as well as others on the board. Thanks! The ModSquad Reply
 | | Hi Tara, I don't really think your getting hosed, I charge $30 a day ($15 half 5hrs and under so if you drop off at 8am they have to be picked up by no later than 1pm) for an infant (anything under 12 months) Half day is anything 5hrs and under. For toddler and above I charge $25 a day half day still applying just the same ( i am not sure why they do it different for your kids, with me it is always the same) From a providers stand point when you think about breaking what you pay a day, down to what they are getting hourly, so just say $25 a day for 5 hours that's only $5.00 an hour, plus you still have the expense of food and activities so by the time all is said and done they are really making like $3.00 an hour (rough estimate) Would you work for that? Now from a parents stand point I think you should get the most care for you money, so shop around in your area and see if you can find something better, but just remember quality not quantity, you might have to pay a little more for great child care, rather that just finding someone to watch them because they are just looking for a little extra money and not take care of your children the way you want them taken care of. Tara I hope that helped a little, let me know if there are any other questions I may answer for you! Have a great day! God Bless! Lisa Independent Pampered Chef Consultant <<MODERATOR DELETED TELEPHONE, PWS, EMAIL>>
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Yup Sorry just forgot to erase it this time! :)
From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: Re: Babysitting Rates Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2008 13:33:26 -0800
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Babysitting Rates
From: PCBombChelle |
Lisa, please be very careful not to add your PWS or email addy or phone number at the end of your replies. I'm assuming you replied via email and that was just your signature line. Just be sure you delete that before posting anything to the board as per our Rules & Guidelines. It's for your own protection as well as others on the board. Thanks! The ModSquad
Hi Tara, I don't really think your getting hosed, I charge $30 a day ($15 half 5hrs and under so if you drop off at 8am they have to be picked up by no later than 1pm) for an infant (anything under 12 months) Half day is anything 5hrs and under. For toddler and above I charge $25 a day half day still applying just the same ( i am not sure why they do it different for your kids, with me it is always the same) From a providers stand point when you think about breaking what you pay a day, down to what they are getting hourly, so just say $25 a day for 5 hours that's only $5.00 an hour, plus you still have the expense of food and activities so by the time all is said and done they are really making like $3.00 an hour (rough estimate) Would you work for that? Now from a parents stand point I think you should get the most care for you money, so shop around in your area and see if you can find something better, but just remember quality not quantity, you might have to pay a little more for great child care, rather that just finding someone to watch them because they are just looking for a little extra money and not take care of your children the way you want them taken care of. Tara I hope that helped a little, let me know if there are any other questions I may answer for you! Have a great day! God Bless! Lisa Independent Pampered Chef Consultant <<MODERATOR DELETED TELEPHONE, PWS, EMAIL>>
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 | | From:  hakline | Sent: 12/7/2008 5:51 AM |
Hey Tara this is how our "daycare" (who has acutally now become a friend) I dont have to go to my office until Noon Tues/Thurs and on Mon/Wed/Fri I go about 12:30 - now M/W/F We pick up her 2 kids and take them to preschool along with our 2 ~ she picks them up (we pick up at 12:15 - she picks up at 3) my husband gets off work at 3:30 and is at her house by probably about 3:45 - 4 at the latest ~ then on Tues/Thurs our kids are at her house from about 11:45ish to about 3:45 - 4 so basically on those 2 days they are there about 4hrs ~ and on M/W/F she has them about 30-45 min (but they are in the car that whole time while she is picking up her other 2 from school - and we pay $70 a week ~ they dont eat lunch at her house (we feed them before they go - or we bring if I am running late - plus they always have their own sippy cups and a snack in their bags) ~ so she really does not have any "extra" expenses ~ My husband is a little upset - because he feels that M/W/F should be a wash - but who knows ~ all I know is I get a certain amount per hour /then have taxes come out ~ and by the time I pay her she's made about $4.38 an hour per kid without withholdings ~ but if she did have withholdings she would have made about $3.71 (average tax withholding is 15%) and she has kept my children safe ~ entertained and happy ~ I know it is hard to "ration" the cost ~ but you have to remember what they are not only providing you (ability to go to work) but what she is providing those beautiful girls ~ I hope this didnt seem "harsh" ~ but for awhile we were on the verge of me staying home again ~ until I really broke it down for the hubby ~ I would break it down to how much she truley makes per hour ~ and then like suggested ~ call around to other facilites and just see what the costs are for what you would need HTH Heather - IL  |
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