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 | | 1.) Great for filling deviled eggs!!!! | | Reply
 | | You can melt chips and frosting together in the micro cooker. Load the EAD and squeeze out adorable little fudge drops. YUMMY! Cheri | | | | Reply
 | | Squeeze your manicotti filling into the shells with your handy-dandy EAD! | | |
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 | | 4. Great for sour cream for the Taco Ring or any mexican dish, Chili or tomato soup, or baked potatoes....the possibilities are endless. | | Reply
 | | 5) Bake a LARGE cookie on the round stone, let it cool completely and then... Decorate it with colored frosting from the EAD!!! | | DSCF0549.JPG | Reply
 | | WOWSERS, Pinkie!! I LOVE your cookie!! Awesome work!   And now here's my contribution: 6. HOMEMADE JELLY-FILLED DONUTS or ECLAIRS!! Take a freshly baked right out of the oven & slightly cooled GRANDS Biscut & put it into a ziploc baggie filled with either powdered sugar or cinnamon sugar & shake it until it's coated. Then take the Bismarc tip & insert it halfway in & fill it w/your favorite jam or jelly. For Eclairs, pass on the powdered sugar/cinnamon sugar coating, & just go to filling it w/Cool Whip, or even vanilla or chocolate pudding. Then dip tops into melted chocolate frosting. YUM YUM YUMMMMMEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! | | Reply
 | | you know, I've had my EAD for close to 4 months now, and it's still in the box..... | | Reply
 | | 7. Cheese Sticks for showers and weddings! | | Reply
 | | Do tell, Sally!! How do you make cheese sticks w/EAD??? What's your recipe & what tip do you use?? Sounds yummmmmy!! Inquiring minds gotta know!!  Marian PS Nice to "see" you, Sally gally!! Long time no talk to. | | Reply
 | | 8. Mashed potatoes on top of a casserole -- like Shepherd's Pie -- before baking. Very impressive! 9. Put whipped cream inside of a cupcake or donut. Sorry -- were we suppose to do only one? I got too exicted! I tell everyone this is my favorite 'fun' tool. I love it!  Brrring-ring. Ninks166 -- I am making out of the box calls tonight. What ?? You don't have it out of the box yet? Get that baby out and HAVE FUN! Deorate a cookie! Decorate a pie! It goes right in the dishwasher! I want to hear you did it!! You'll love it and people will love it, too!  | | Reply
 | | 10. Sweet Potato Stars... After you cook sweet potatoes(or you can used the canned version), mash them with the nylon masher until smooth. Add a touch of butter, brown sugar, cinnamon. Then fill the EAD with potatoes. Use the star tip to make lovely sweet potato stars in a small oval baker or mini baker. Bake in microwave for 3-6 mins. Then top with a ring of marshmallows around the outside edge. Enjoy! | | |
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I love the EAD for deviled eggs. It holds exactly enough filling for 24 deviled eggs (12 whole eggs). It also works sooooo nicely for stuffing cherry tomatoes. Joy Morton Consultant |
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One thing I totally love is that it comes completely apart and each piece can be tossed right into the dishwasher! Loading Tip: Put the tip onto the Barell first. The tip goes on the end with The Pampered Chef Logo! Fill 2/3 full and then put the trigger end on. Michelle |
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NOTE: Do not push down on Easy Accent Decorator plunger when barrel is empty. This may result in damage to the product.
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The easy one-handed operation of this exclusively designed Easy Accent Decorator allows you to decorate cakes, cookies, pastries, deviled eggs, twice-baked potatoes and more. Six easy-to-change decorating tips are included as well as storage cap. The comfortable Santoprene® handle is easy to hold and prevents slippage during use. The clear barrel holds 1 2/3 cups of filling and allows the user to view contents. Use with frostings, whipped cream, softened cream cheese and other soft mixtures or fillings.
 | | From:  jlm1970 | Sent: 3/10/2006 4:23 AM |
Here are some "Quick Tips" for the EAD: * Fill deviled eggs, cherry tomatoes, zucchini or cucumber boats * Stuff manicotti, shells, and canolli for easier Italian dishes * Pipe mashed potoates into twice baked potato shells, on top of casseroles, or mini meatloaves * Decorate tops of desserts, coffee, and frozen drinks with whipped cream * Frost cakes with stars, shells, beads and borders or use the writing tip to personalize your cake * Fill with sour cream for Mexican night instead of putting the carton on the table * Make homemade cream-filled donuts, eclairs, or creme puffs * Fill with any smooth & soft filling to pipe onto celery sticks, cucumber slices or crackers * Make "ants on a log" by piping peanut butter down celery sticks and topping with raisins * Dress up pre-made tart shells with your favorite pudding or pie filling * Fill with store bought frosting and place a star on top of Mini cup cakes for a quick dessert * make your favorite meringue recipe or fudge recipe and press them into perfect stars or flowers * Surprise your kids with whipped cream faces on top of their pancakes with maraschino cherry eyes * Strawberry Flowers -- Use the following technique with any of the three filling ideas that follow: Using Cook's Corer remove stems from strawberries. With sharp knife, cut deep "X" in top of each fruit (not all the way through though). WIth fingertips, gently spread strawberry apart to make "petals". Using your decorator fill the "flower" with your filling of choice. Cream Cheese Filling: 1 8oz cream cheese 1/2 cup powdered sugar 2 tbls. light cream 2 tbls. orange juice (or Cointreau) 1 tsp. orange zest Cream all ingredients together. Peanut Butter Chocolate: 1 cup creamy peanut butter 5 tbls. milk chocolate chips, melted & cooled 2 tbls. whipped topping Mix above 3 ingredients together. Then melt 2-4 squares Baker's Chocolate, and dip strawberry tips in it. Chill. Chocolate-Dipped Whipped Cream Fill with thawed Cool Whip. Melt 2-4 squares Baker's Chocolate (German Chocolate or White) in small micro cooker and dip strawberry ends in it. Place in fridge until serving time. Other Recipes: Savory Spread 1 package (8 oz) cream cheese, softened 1/2 cup mayo 1 package (0.7 oz) dry Italian salad dressing mix crackers or veggies Combine all ingredients in Small batter bowl. Mix until smooth. Place mixture inside barrel of EAD with desired tip. Pipe onto crackers of veggies. Serve immediately.
Hope that helps out! ~Gina daveandkimelmore <[email protected]> wrote: Hey! I am looking for out of the ordinary uses for the EAD. I am having a workshop on the EAD and want more ideas of what to do with it other than the typical uses.
Thanks in advance!
Kim Elmore |
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Here's another use for the EAD, well at least for the clear CAP of the EAD: It makes the perfect size pie crusts for the Mini Muffin Pan. |
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