Got this off iSlice's website just now & thought this would be good for us to add to our knowledge of this little wonderful product:  | Recipes, coupons, photos, stamping, scrap booking, newspaper & magazine articles
|  | Shrink-wrap, CDs, videos, DVDs, plastic bags, snack & cereal bags, lunch meats, safety seals, vacuum packed goods, frozen vegetable bags, spices and seasoning, cheese packages, dog food bags, bags of pasta, cake & brownie mix, bags of lettuce, toy packaging
|  | Single sheets of paper, art projects, wrapping paper, masking & cello tape, scrapbooking paper, and much, much more
| Btw, ours is CHEAPER than if you were to buy it off their website. Ours is only $3.75 vs. theirs on their website is $4.99.
Marian |