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Steps to Success : Ten Ways To Use Your Business Cards!
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(1 recommendation so far) Message 1 of 1 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDaWaveBabe1  (Original Message)Sent: 3/20/2008 4:51 AM
Ten Ways To Use Your Business Cards!

1) Make sure ALL family members, close friends, neighbors and co-workers carry plenty of your cards to pass out to their friends and co-workers. They are in direct contact with many people you would not otherwise reach. Instruct them to let people know what you do and what they can BENEFIT from you. You increase your "business area zone" by having your family working on your behalf. Advertise your "referral program" on the back of your business card. You could give them some cards with a label on the back already pre-printed to say Referred by:________, they put their name on it and hand them out to everyone they know. Then you offer a FREE gift for every booking, sale or recruit! When a lead calls you, you can ask them who they were referred by and they can see it on the back of the card.

2) You can also offer your guests the referral program and give them cards. Try to give all your guests at least 5 cards. Offer a GIFT for all sales, bookings and recruits you get. Keep in mind, they are excited about the products they just saw and their enthusiasm can turn into $$$$$ for you!

3) Leave your cards at all bulletin boards, restaurant counters, restrooms, Laundromats, grocery stores, hairdressers, cleaners, doctor's office, dentist. Anywhere YOU see a space-leave a card!! (I often leave behind catalogs at restaurants for the waitress)

4) Leave a business card with a tip when you are eating out. Waitresses work hard and they are always looking for something better to do or perhaps free merchandise from host programs, they usually know A LOT of people. They are friendly and GREAT party givers!

5) Give away or pass out a certain number of cards per day. Set a specific number and take these cards with you when you leave the house. Don't bring them back with you no matter what! A reasonable number is 10. Have several in your pockets, handbags, briefcase and in your car.

6) Include a card in all correspondence being mailed out. Whether it's a personal card, letter or bills that are being paid. After all a person will be opening the letter and perhaps will be curious enough about you to call or visit your website.

7) JUNK MAIL?? Yes, we all get that, why not turn the tables around and send them your business card with a catalog, address it to Secretary or receptionist.

8) Give your hostess at least 25 cards to pass out for you as she is inviting guests to her party (I would use recipe cards with your name and info on them) This way if they can not attend, they may call you or visit your website.

9) Use your cards to offer a discount or as a coupon. Make sure you write specific discount or special and put down an expiration date for your special offer. This would work especially well when you do this in conjunction with #3,4 and 7.

10) Pass out cards at the beginning of a show. Tell guests when they decide to have a show to write down the exact time they decided to do this. They will be curious as to why you are asking them to do this. AT THE END OF THE SHOW, ask them what time they decided and see who booked a part at the earliest time. She gets a prize for being the first to book. At the next show if they know this happens they will book earlier in the evening! This usually prompts others to book as well. Involve those who were at earlier parties by asking them to keep your secret about this.

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