Dear Mary,
In business and in life, we do have a choice. And the choice really boils down to this...either we manage change, or it will manage us.
The truth, of course, is that change can be a wonderful gift. In fact, it is the key that unlocks the doors to growth and excitement in any organization.
Then why is it so hard? Why...because we are all creatures of habit and unchartered waters are scary!
A big part of your success, as a leader, will be your ability to inspire your team to get out of their comfort zones, to assure them that even though you're on a new path, it's the right path, for the right reasons.
So sit back, turn up your speakers and enjoy our new 3-minute movie Change is Good...You Go First. Just click on the link below to watch and don't forget to share it with your team!

Click Here To Watch
To Life,

Mac Anderson
Founder, Simple Truths
P.S. Don't forget to share with friends and co-workers. Everybody needs a "shot of inspiration."