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Theme Show Ideas : Starry Night - Red Carpet Show
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From: MSN Nicknamejlm1970  (Original Message)Sent: 3/10/2006 5:24 AM
Starry Night
are the stars out tonight
It's time for the ultimate star-studded sweepstakes. Who will deliver the best performance in a red carpet interview? Who has the biggest bling in the business? And who can put on the most convincing happy face when the other nominee wins? You know you'll be watching, so join the fun and throw your own Academy Award-winning party! We have the script and the catering. You bring the costumes.
Oscar ® Party
Roll out the red carpet and serve up these award-winning dishes as the stars arrive.
Oscar® night is perhaps the one night of the year that brings the stars close enough for all of us to touch. So beckon Hollywood right into your living room by throwing an Oscar party to remember! Invite your favorite film buffs, celebrity-gossip-loving pals, and beautiful
peto air out their black ties and sequins, and come to your house for an Academy Awards extravaganza.
The Envelope, Please

Make a copy of the list of nominees for each guest and ask everyone to arrive at least half an hour before the show begins so they can fill out their ballots. Buy some small prizes to give to the people who accurately predict the winners in each of the major categories, or give one big prize to the person with the most correct guesses. The prizes could be anything from movie rental coupons, candy, packets of microwave popcorn, entertainment magazines, movie posters, movie soundtracks, mini Oscar statuettes or bottles of champagne.

Roll out the Red Carpet (no, really!)

You won’t need to do too much decorating for your party since the main spectacle will be on the TV screen. However, a few well-placed props will add just the right sense of occasion. If you don’t happen to have a red carpet lying around the house, you can pick up a length of red felt or vinyl for a reasonable price from most any fabric or costume supply store and unroll it along the walkway leading up to your front door.
Add a few more special effects:
  • Shine a spotlight on the walkway and get ready to play paparazzo as your guests arrive.
  • Snap the shots with a Polaroid camera and everyone will have instant souvenirs of their glamorous evening.
  • Hang a velvet rope (or a ribbon) across the front door and get a friend to play “bouncer,�?treating every guest as a celebrity and lifting the rope for each one to enter the exclusive ceremony.

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