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Theme Show Ideas : COUNTY-FAIR Theme Show
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From: MSN NicknameTheChefLady4JC  (Original Message)Sent: 7/29/2006 11:32 PM
From another group....I thought this sounded like a bunch of fun.  Feel free to add your own tips to this thread!

Hi everyone,
I am new to the group here.  Fairly new consultant with about 4 months under my belt.  I relocated my business after 1 month from Tampa, Florida to South west Iowa.  I am now starting to get it going pretty steady but need some ideas for themes.
A particular them that I have been asked to see about is something to do with the County/State Fairs that are going on right now.  Meaning what type of demo's to do in a home cooking show that would remind us of being at the fair.
Any suggestions would sure be appreciated.


Apple pie (Judging and Blue Ribbons) Great recipe in All The Best...  fast and delicious, shows APCS, Bakers Roller (and of course the "pricker"), Pizza Cutter or Knife (for the streusel topping), Korintje Cinnamon, maybe the Flour/Sugar Shaker for the cinnamon sugar blend and Stoneware.

Corn Butterer, Corn Cob Holders (midway)
Ice Cream Sandwich Maker (midway)
Citrus Press (midway)

And you can present the Opportunity by selling TPC as the Ride of Your Life"...  or something to that effect

I am sure others have better ideas - all of a sudden I am craving fair food :)

Sara Dennerline

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