One of the more important reasons the Quantock Community was created was to reunite former pupils. To make this possible we ask new members to do the Following (1-3) things (don't worry about making any mistakes, they can be easily fixed):
(1) Please add yourself to the A to Z of Members List (Add Member ):
(2) Please add yourself to one of the Members Graduation List ("graduation year" or "class of year" simply means the year your class did GCSE's/O'levels, i.e. when you where about 16 years old - (older boys call it 5th year, younger folk year 11).
(3) Please edit your Member Profile. I can't add a link here, so please look in the top right hand corner of this page which should look something like:
e.g. "Welcome Your Name (member)" |
Please click on this link, and add any details you want to share - especially your email address, your name (not always obvious from your email address), and years that you were a Quantock. This allows people to figure out who you are, if they know you, and then can email you!
Thank you for your help and I hope you enjoy the site,
If you have extra time please consider doing the following: