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BREEDER INFO : Please Help!!! Min Pin driving me crazy!!
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 Message 1 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameŞǿfţįżм  (Original Message)Sent: 8/28/2005 1:46 AM
       Hopefully someone can help me by answering a few questions!  I have a beautiful min pin, named Winston, who is about 14 months old.  I aquired him at about 8 months and was fed a complete line of crap on how great his behavior was, from the previous owner.  Needless to say, my family loves this dog and he is so loving in return.  The problem here is , he is a CHEWER!!  He chews up everything he can get in his mouth, since the day we got him. Sneakers, shoes, my dining room table, living room end tables, various toys and he especially loves comforters.  Between myself and my 2 children he has completley destroyed a total of 7 comforters since the day we got him.  My husband went out and bought him a muzzle due to the fact that most of this destructive behavior goes on at night.  We don't want to cage him over night due to the fact that we are gone from the home 9 hrs. a day for work and he is caged then.  To cage him more hrs. than that makes us feel cruel.  So we thought if we muzzled him at night, when we go to bed, he won't destroy.  I was truly hoping that the muzle on him over night would teach him not to chew and destroy!  And yes, he always has many chew toys and rawhide bones available to him, which he chews avidly, as well.  What can I do with Winston at this point??  He chews and destroys our belongings the moment our backs are turned and I have become increasingly annoyed and upset with this situation!  I hate to get rid of him, and my kids hearts would be broken, but i'm starting to see no other way.   I have been told this behavior is typical of this breed of dog, is this true??  Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

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 Message 2 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameRustyLittleBrittleSent: 8/28/2005 4:24 AM
My Rusty chewed a little bit but I gave him a little smak with whatever it was he was chewing on and told him NO!! I can't tell you how many pair of flip flops he went through...Of course if it is happening in the night then that is hard...did you have his teeth checked? Sometimes they have a baby tooth that never came out and it is bugging them and they are trying to get it out. Also make sure you are putting EVERYTHING up @ night when you go to bed that way he won't have acess to anything. I also used Bitter Apple with Rusty because he would always eat the trash can liner...that seemed to help. I would check on his teeth first...Good Luck...Cretia & Rusty

 Message 3 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknametrikki_woo66Sent: 8/28/2005 5:50 AM
I would definately get his teeth checked out.  Kathy who belongs to this site, had a minpin, who was a one dog wrecking crew, to put it mildly.  Anyway, after having some baby teeth pulled, the chewing stopped.  Bitter apple is a good idea also.  If you ever get an accidental taste of it, its pretty bad, and its something your minpin won't forget. 
  You also might want to go to the butchers, and get a thigh bone, or such.  Mine go gaga when they have the real thing, versus a hoof or rawhide.  Can you contain you minpin in the kitchen at night (with a bone) to lessen the chances of him chewing up your possesions?

 Message 4 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameŞǿfţįżмSent: 8/28/2005 7:14 PM
   It's not at night that the chewing goes on, anymore, because he is muzzled.  Which by the way, makes me feel terrible because he looks at us with the most pitiful eyes and looks pitiful as they come.  It's generally when he is galavanting around the house and we are watching television or just not paying close attention to him.. I had a friend recommend the apple bitter also so i'll give that a shot and get his teeth checked.  Any other thoughts are appreciated and thanks for the advice. 

 Message 5 of 10 in Discussion 
From: SpinnersGuardianSent: 8/29/2005 8:14 AM
Spinner did the same things till he was a year and a half old. He chewed the corners off all the blankets and bedspreads and tore up the carpeting (it was old no no great loss). I know your problem, he'd do it when I was in the kitchen making supper, or in the bathroom. When I'd catch him at it, I'd give him a cow's ear or rawhide chew and say "No, chew on this". They're real hyper and always have to be up to something. I'd always take a rawhide or two to bed with us at night so he wouldn't chew on the blankets. If he's crated 9 hours a day, he's got to make up for it when you're home. These are very active dogs! When Spinner was demolishing everything, we took turns watching him and always replacing what he was chewing on with cows ears or rawhide. I don't like the idea of him being muzzled all the time either and that could lead to other problems, like he could start shredding things with his nails out of frustration if he's unable to chew. I feel sorry for the dogs. They have to be so active all the time or they do resort to chewing to kind of the comfort themselves. He could have some anxiety over his first owners having him a year and then getting rid of him too. With training on what is proper to chew and someone in the household always keeping an eye on him I think you can lick this. Spinner did it till he was 18 months old. Don't give up on him.

 Message 6 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameWickdWitchWaySent: 9/7/2005 1:56 AM
does he have any extra teeth (like baby teeth that he hasnt lost)i own a few min pis and my mocha girl chews not as bad since i used tobasco sauce hot hot hot sauce seemed to work well

 Message 7 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBCDogLoverSent: 9/29/2005 10:10 PM

Where is he at night that he's able to destroy things? I wouldn't recommend leaving a muzzle on a dog when not supervised, it's a recipe for disaster! Have him sleep in your bedroom with the door closed, and remove anything from the floor that he can destroy, also a nice walk before bed should help.

 Message 8 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknametrikki_woo66Sent: 9/30/2005 2:23 AM
also a nice walk before bed should help.
I totally agree, a tired dog, is a good dog.  Start teaching him tricks, mental stimulation can sometimes be more tiring than a good romp in the back yard
Have you taken him to the vet yet to have his teeth checked?

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Sent: 2/12/2006 4:27 AM
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Sent: 2/12/2006 4:29 AM
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