Sorry it has taken so long for an update on Delilah. The news was not good.
Her bun level in
May 08 was 181 (this is when she was diagnosed)
June 08 was 81
Wed was 86
Her creatinine levels were much worse which I believe he says is the main number they look at to see how well the kidneys are functioning.
May 08 was 6.2
June 08 was 4.4
Wed was 5.9
Also her Anemia level has dropped from 20% in June to 15% today.
He said we could use a drug called procit it is used in cancer patients with humans. He said he hasn't used it in the last couple years but his experience with it has been that if it doesn't work more likely than not it will make her very sick.
I asked if she was in any pain and he said no the pain comes in when they begin the vomitting again. So far she hasn't and is keeping her food down. This morning it was quite hard to coax her to eat.
I don't believe I have much time left with my sweet baby girl. I am still fighting for her though. I will keep you all updated when I can. She is taking a lot of my attention these days as she only wants to be with me.
Keep the fingers, toes and all paws crossed