To the Manager of Cato Min Pins:
Hey Min Pinners...this is Fern, and I want to know if this site, like all the other MSN sites will have to, is going to switch to Multiply, and if so, any idea when. I don't want to lose this site and my picture album I have so lovingly put on here and enjoyed looking at with all the others here too and just all the Min Pin info. Myself, personally, I am not crazy about this switch, I am the Manager of a karaoke site with MSN here, and I have had to switch it over, and I am not happy, but have to play by their rules. I am still trying to figure it out and get it set up. So in order to keep this site, the Manager of this site has to switch it over to Multiply, so any of us Members that want to here, can re-join. There is until February 21st, and then this site, and all MSN sites, will close.
I hope this message will be addressed, so we can all keep this site.
Thanks! ~Fern~