I just made a new group on Yahoo to try out.I hope you all will be able to get a Yahoo e-mail.I have had one Yahoo e-mail for nine years now with about 20 to 30 groups that I have been a member of.Mostly the min pin groups,car and truck group and horse and toy model horse groups.Our new Yahoo group will be private and when you join I will be able to approve you.This keeps out those nasty spammers and trolls.Make sure you save this in an e-mail just in case this group gets deleted some how.You now MSN.I had heard on another group the the member said on one of her dog groups that MSN was starting to delete some of the groups.Not sure if that means the inactive ones or random ones.Let me know if you have any trouble signing up for our new Yahoo group?It takes a bit of time after you apply.They send me an e-mail to approve new members.Here is the new Yahoo group:
First set up a Yahoo e-mail account.Click on the group Home Page and on the right in blue click on"Join this Group".On the "Comment to Owner"just say if your from our MSN groups,your name and your pets names.Keep the "Individual E-mail"checked so you will be able to see photo attachments sent from the group.We also have"albums" in the left sidebar to put photos in under"Photos".