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 Message 1 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemudeewatas  (Original Message)Sent: 3/5/2005 4:50 AM
My husband (Jerry Lee) found Willie back in August 2004, very near I-75(overlooking it, actually) very lost, very alone.  JL brought Willie home and we all fell totally in Love!
So sorry for the traveler, passin' through, that stopped and opened his car door( flat tire, maybe) just when Willie felt tha need to explore.  For the traveler, and family, I can only say, he's in very loving hands, not dead (as I know you must fear). But, please, don't call me or anything else, 'cause he's My/Our baby now, and we cannot let him go!
I'm persuaded to believe he mistakenly "escaped" from a vehicle in a place where the previous "parents" couldn't possibly find him, because nobody in their right minds would have "put this boy out".
Jerry Lee says, " he was lookin' for his REAL Daddy".
I accept that.
I will post a picture as soon as I can fiure out where to do that.

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 Message 2 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknametrikki_woo66Sent: 3/5/2005 5:40 AM
Did you try to find the owner at least?  I would be heartbroken if I lost one of mine.  My brother was in a car accident, and his dog escaped from his kennel.  Luckily she was found.  Most papers offer free found ads.

 Message 3 of 10 in Discussion 
From: SpinnersGuardianSent: 3/6/2005 1:05 AM
Your husband is lucky to have found him. When night comes the coyotes would have got him, or the large dogs farmers keep might have killed him or he could have ended up in a leg trap or snare.
I live near I80 and every once in a while people advertise in the local papers that they were in a wreck on I80 and their dog escaped the car. People all the way from the East coast advertising for their dogs lost in Iowa. They are heartbroken, some advertise for months.
He also could have been abandoned on a road that runs next to your interstate. When my daughter came out to pick something up a few nights ago, she noticed a car stopped ahead of her (going in the opposite direction) and then take off. When she reached this car and passed it a small beagle dog was chasing behind the car with it's tail between it's legs. We searched for the dog for about 2 hours. It was dark and there's a woods in the area and don't think the scared dog would have came to us if it heard our calls. I suppose the coyotes got it. This goes on all the time. People drive out to the county to abandon puppies and kittens, cats and dogs.
I do hope if you learn he has a owner you would at least contact them to let them know he is safe and well cared for if you won't give him back. Also, if you advertise him in the paper for a few days and no one claims him he's yours.

 Message 4 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamemudeewatasSent: 3/6/2005 3:25 AM
After rereading my post, I now realize that I must have seemed to y'all, very coldhearted toward Willie's owners.  Nothing could be further from the truth.
Jerry found Willie about six months ago in a densely populated area, adjacent to, but with no exit/entrance to, the most heavily traveled interstate in the Southeast.  It took him about an hour and much patience to finally convince Willie that Jerry wasn't going to hurt him.  A policeman stopped by while all this was going on and told Jerry that Willlie had been "hanging around" that area for about a week, but wouldn't let anyone get near him. Jerry, at first, was at such a loss about what to do with Willie for even one night, because our first foundling DD (dumpster dog), a terrier mix, was not likely to be happy about the perceived competition.
We did, of course, try very hard to find the owner/s.  It was obvious to us that whomever lost him Must be heartbroken.  I placed an ad immediately, and I looked every day for an ad from the owner searching for him.
He complicated our lives, at that time, and I hoped very much that we could return him to his home.
But, no one responded to my ad.  And no one placed an ad searching for him.  And time passed, and now..... well, Willie would be straight Lost without DD, as she would be without him.  and now, the thought of losing him is unbearable to Jerry and to me also. 
I'm sorry that I just skipped the middle and took you straight from Point A to Point Z.
Look, y'all, I dunno if Willie is a Min Pin or not and I don't really care.  The vet said he is, or is mostly at least.  So, I searched for a group to see if I could tell.  He surely looks (and acts) like it to me.  Nobody cropped his ears or tail, and I'm glad.
Please believe, I would never steal anyone's precious baby.   

 Message 5 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknametrikki_woo66Sent: 3/6/2005 4:31 AM
I'm sorry too.  From your first post, it did seem like MAYBE you didn't try to find the owner.  I kinda get upset at the thought if something similiar were to happen to one of my own.  I now see that you did what you could.  I'm glad you rescued this dog in need.

 Message 6 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamemudeewatasSent: 3/6/2005 6:02 AM
I really hated how i had sounded, after seeing it through the "eyes of others", because i truely "get it". (and the loss suffered by Willie's previous family still twists my heart)
but, i honestly can say, i don't feel any guilt, just happiness that the lil guy is happy and loved. 
please look at the pictures i posted, trikki, and tell me what you think 'bout our Willie. 

 Message 7 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknametrikki_woo66Sent: 3/6/2005 2:45 PM
Great pic.  It seems that Willie is leading the good life.  To be truthful, I'm jelous, all my dogs have to lay around is the heating vent, LOL  They look very content!!

 Message 8 of 10 in Discussion 
From: minpin_luverSent: 3/7/2005 4:32 PM
It's hard to really tell from that angle, but from what I can see he looks like a min pin.  You did a wonderful thing taking him off of the street.  Kudos to you!!

 Message 9 of 10 in Discussion 
From: SpinnersGuardianSent: 3/8/2005 2:44 PM
Looks like they both have a great life! If you advertised and no one responded, he' yours. Looks like a min pin from what I can see. Lucky your husband got him to come to him. They can be so shy of strangers. Poor little guy out there alone a week!

 Message 10 of 10 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameFTMom2Sent: 7/24/2005 11:28 PM
Hey there MudeeWatas
Hats off to you! Cherish Him!  The same thing happened to my DH about 7 years ago. It was right after July 4 (yes firecrackers - I'm sure) when a Chihuahua showed up on the jobsite he was on.  The dog (probably abt 7 yrs) would NOT get near anyone. Ron started bring dogfood from home along with water. After about 4 days  she would come to him but no one else. I told him to bring her home - I would find her owner...and if not our dear believed Cocoa (rest his soul) would have to get used to another family member.
  He brought her home - of course, for once my DH had a dog that wanted nothing to do with me  and would even follow him to watch him take a shower. LOL (For that reason alone - I secretly hopped I didn't find the owner!)  I immediately went to work tracking her owner.  I called vets in the area of the jobsite. I called the local paper for that area (yes - it was out of town from us) to place an ad. The one gal I talked to went a step above & beyond. (Dang her!) She searched the previous two weeks ads that had stopped running. She called me back and told me she had a number that could be from the owner.  I called and left a message. We received a call a little later. It turns out the people had to go out of town to help arrange a funeral for a family member- so the son had come over to watch the dog.
He had no idea that the dog would freak over firecrackers  -so he did not think to leave her inside when he went to work. Anyway - to finish this long saga- she was returned to her owner after being gone for 2 weeks - and now we are getting Rusty so my DH has his own pup (or so I have told him that is how it will work - yeah RIGHT!!  )

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