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MEMBER PROFILES : Surgery for Sara
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 Message 1 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameOnlineMarcy  (Original Message)Sent: 4/18/2006 6:48 PM
I took Sara to the vet because she hurt her leg when she tried to chase after a bunny. They told me she has a torn ligament in her leg and needs surgery. And she has Patellar Luxation which is dislocation in both of her knee's. This also need to be fixed. I am so scared for her. Has anyone had this done on their minpin? They are only going to do the torn ligament first and then the knee's later. It will cost about six thousand dollars. I feel so bad that she has this. She will be a year old at the end of this month. Thanks.

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 Message 2 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCLC_1Sent: 4/18/2006 10:00 PM
Oh my, poor poor Sara---I am so sorry to hear about your little furkid getting hurt---I've never had anything like that happen to my furkids---But they are just like our own kids---You have to do everything you can to make them well. I'll keep you and Sara in my thoughts and prayers---I know she'll come thru this---Don't worry yourself sick over it ( please )...............jack--------hugs for Marcy and Sara  

 Message 3 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknametrikki_woo66Sent: 4/19/2006 6:43 AM
Awww, your poor girl.  (She has the same name as my daughter)  
  My dogs in the past have pulled muscles, and have fallen off of things, and have hurt themselvese from taking a turn too sharply ect .  Just last week, my lil female Bindi, must have hurt her leg somehow, not 2 days later, Otto fell off the couch, when he rolled out of a blanket.  I have always taken a more relaxed approach to these things.  If they bear weight on the limb, then crate rest for a day or two, with me massaging the area.  I have been lucky so far in this respect.  What type of tests were ran on Sara to determine this diagnosis?  I would want a referrel to an Orthopedic surgeon to confirm your vets diagnosis.  6 grand is a lot of money without a second look.

 Message 4 of 8 in Discussion 
From: booboo18Sent: 4/21/2006 12:35 AM
Hey there

Both my min pins have the Patellar Luxation and I was told not to worry
unless it becomes a problem. I would not get into the knee surgery unless
your pup is having pain.


 Message 5 of 8 in Discussion 
From: SpinnersGuardianSent: 4/23/2006 5:03 AM
I've had the surgery on 2 dogs but they weren't min pins. I've heard  a lot of min pins need this surgery so it has to be genetic.
My cairn had both knees done for around 200.00 apiece. My mixed breed had one knee done at a cost of 600.00. The cairns knees were bad due to genetic fault. The other dog was hit by a car and it was part of his many injuries. His hips were knocked out of sockets, internal injuries etc. , but it was 600.00 for the knee alone. Neither dogs had specialists. They did have darn good vets that could do bone surgery, not all vets can or will do this type of surgery. I think 6,000.00 is just outragious. I know they charge what traffic will allow depending on where you live, but that's robbery. Anyway, the surgery is great, takes while to heal but it's so worth it to see your dog run and fetch balls without having their knees go out on them.

 Message 6 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameOnlineMarcySent: 4/23/2006 3:29 PM
Thanks for the replies. I am taking Sara to a different vet who does perform surgeries because my vet does not. My vet referred me to someone and told me there was not anyone in our area that could do it. Which is shocking. So I researched it and found this vet that is close to me who does and is about $500.00 to $700.00 cheaper. I am aggravated she sent me so far for no reason. They are going to do her torn ligament this Tuesday. She had X-rays done and it did show the torn ligament. They are going to recheck her though when we take her Tuesday. And I am going to take the advice here and make sure her knees are okay and if there not bad we will wait and see if there is no pain. I hope I can trust their opinion. I was told by a family member that this vet is good. So my fingers are crossed. Thanks everybody for the advice. It helps.

 Message 7 of 8 in Discussion 
From: brodysmomSent: 7/2/2006 3:44 AM
Hi I just came across your post here, and i wondering how your little girl made out with the surgery?    Hope all went well//Ruth

 Message 8 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBarbaraJeansLeatherSent: 8/19/2006 10:15 PM
---I e-mailed OnlineMarcy on Aug.16,2006 and wrote: > I came across your message on Cato Min Pin group telling about your
> Sara having surgery on her torn ligament in her leg. Your last message
> was in April. How is she doing now? Please let us know if you want. We
> will be sending prayers.
---She wrote back:  She is doing great.  The vet she went to said that she had a torn
ligament.  Actually she had patella luxation in both of her knees.  So
we had surgery on both.  She is back to running around and is doing very
well.  I am getting a little friend for her this Friday.  Another
minpin.  We are so excited.  Thank you for asking.
Have a nice day.

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