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 Message 1 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameOops_Now_Ive_done_it  (Original Message)Sent: 2/7/2007 11:12 AM
Hi!  I'm Dedi and I live in Florida.  My minpin is Katy (actually, Snooker's Diamond Katydid) and she's going to be 4 in just a few days (Feb 22nd).  She is still so incredibly curious, it's pathetic!  Here's a pic I took of her checking out my ex-roommate's naked rats (YUCK!):
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 Message 2 of 6 in Discussion 
From: SpinnersGuardianSent: 2/9/2007 4:47 AM
Everyone says they were bred to hunt vermin and that's what rats are. My Spinner isn't a hunter but a lot of them are. Are those rats really naked? My daughter was telling me she saw a rat with no hair on it in a pet store and she thought it had soemthing wrong with it. Maybe they are breeding them that way?

 Message 3 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameOops_Now_Ive_done_itSent: 2/11/2007 5:33 AM
I am not sure how they are bred, whether it's a natural thing or not . . . but yes, the nasty things were naked!  Katy wasn't being predatorial . . . I would feed the rats the same treats she got!  She just always had to check them out & make sure that they didn't have any of her treats in their cage!  LOL
I do call her predatorial when she starts to eat a lot, though . . . she'll grab a few pieces of food, throw them, and chase them down before she munches down on the rest of her bowl!  It's too funny!

 Message 4 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamehandl357Sent: 3/28/2007 1:48 PM
I haven't read from this board since we lost my grandson, but I think that pic is so adorable.  That is what mine are like, but especially my younger one.  She is always into my business and has to have her nose in my drawers, boxes, and cabinets when I am trying to get stuff.  I keep both of them away from and out of all of this and have to move chairs, cuz the youngest one can jump like a kangaroo.  She is so funny.  She will come flying out of nowhere and she is in your lap.  Anyway, as to the naked rat.  My daughter had one for about two years.  I was so freaked out at first.  I grew to love it as she went to school all day and I was the one home with him.  The are really precious and loving animals.  I know that they are rodents, but wonderful pets.  I would not take another mouse, hamster, guinea pig, or gerbil having had all and learning to fall in love with this ugly thingy.  I refused to hold him forever.  I squealed whenever she lovingly walked towards me with him.  I finally realized that this rodent had been my daughter's best friend and confidant all those months.  They have genetic problems and we lost him to cancer.  He lived a King's life in our world.  He never bit or threatened to bite.  Since then, we have had two more almost as wonderful.  We trained one to do tricks for food.  We let him just about run the house, but one of my cat's accidentally scared him and he fell backwards into his 150 gallon tank and broke his back.  I carried him around with me all day and slept with him at night and then hand fed him until he took his last breath.  That broke my heart.  My cats all got along with the rats.  It was the rabbits that they didn't like.  Anyway, pls don't look at them without thinking that it is such a different love.  They open your heart up to a total different loving.  They are totally loyal and will come to you when called.  By the way, even our cats do tricks for us.  We don't know why, but they are all performers and so are the pins.  My life is 4 cats and the two pins now.  I don't have room for more and especially after loosing my grandson.   I just thought that your pic with the rat was the cutest thing that I had seen and that is what my pin looked like when she was watching the rabbit only we had cats sitting along side of her. 
Lyn, Prissy, and Phoenix

 Message 5 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname2redpinsSent: 3/28/2007 9:44 PM
This a cute picture of your little "Katy" & friend.  These little ones sure are curious, aren't they?  Ours pins are the same way.
I have never seen the naked rats.  Hmmmm.
I have had 3 pet rats in the past.  I agree with you Lyn, they are excellent pets.  Very intelligent!  I never got anymore after mine passed.  It was too hard, knowing that their live expectancy is only around 2 years.  They are so susestible (sp?) to cancer & growths.  1 of mine even had surgery to have a big growth removed.  Everyone thought I was crazy!  It extended his life a bit, but he still had too short of a life.  I also had 1 pass away in my arms.  It was devistating.  I was single at the time & he was my baby.
I got a pet dwarf rabbit after my 1st rat died.  Uuughh!  Too hyper for me.  Definately not mellow like my rats.  I gave Mr. Bunny to my Mom & he lived a happy life with her. 
My last rat used to run around the floor with 2 of our pins (Sneakers & Fireball) & our big 70lb chessie.  Just too funny.
Lyn, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your Grandson.
Hugs from my family to you & yours.
2redpins, Sneakers, Gracie, Ricky & Peanut

 Message 6 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamehandl357Sent: 3/29/2007 2:22 AM
I appreciate the thoughts and prayers.  The rabbits weren't our cup of tea either.  Loved them, but they are totally different.  We even had babies and that broke my heart, cause they all stand a chance of dying at birth anyway.  So, we got my first minpin and then her abused sister from the litter after her.  They love each other so much.  They fight like sisters, too.  Anyway, thank you so much for you thoughts and prayers.
Lyn, Prissy, and Phoenix 

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