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All Message Boards : Really can I catch a break here?
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 Message 1 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemaysonsmom1  (Original Message)Sent: 9/26/2008 12:50 AM
Settle in this is going to be a long one.  I just can't figure out why this has been the year from hell with my dogs.  Here is my year so far
Tyson gets attacked by neighbor dog has to go to ER vet to get stitches
Delilah started losing weight in her hind end.
Delilah went outside came back in with her paw bleeding and had to go to vet to glue it shut
Take Delilah to vet due to serious odor coming from her mouth.  Vet contributed it to infected teeth and scheduled surgery.
Two days after surgery she isn't eating or drinking and vomitting with diarhea vet does blood work and diagnoses her with Kindey Disease.
Take Delilah to a new vet for them to keep her and run fluids and numbers.
Tysons ears get infected have to take him to vet for medicine.
Delilah's eye gets infected to the vet for medicine and bloodwork
Lost Delilah
And now for this morning.  I wake up to Tyson covered head to tail in hives. His face was swollen and he looked terrible.  Took him to the vet at 6:30 a.m. for shot of benadryl and cortizone.  That seems to take care of it until tonight around 6 I notice a few more bumps give more benadryl and now he is knocked out. Vet said to keep benadryl on hand due to the fact that Boxers are the worse breed for this.  Wonderful that makes me feel better.  Vet gave me his home phone number in case I have to get him back in for another shot tonight.   I mean seriously I take the best care of my dogs and I cannot believe this is happening.  I would give my life for my dogs and everytime I turn around something else is going wrong.  Am I doomed?  Should I have had 12 kids instead?  Ugh sorry I had to just get it all out I feel like beating my head against the wall.  Please think good thoughts that my baby Tyson gets cleared up soon or his mom may have to visit the psych ward.
In need of a vacation

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 Message 2 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBarbaraJeansLeatherSent: 9/26/2008 1:45 AM
 So sorry to hear about Tyson getting hives.He has to be alergic to something like grass or food or a bug bite.Last year Jesse broke out in hives in the evening in the house.Not really bad.Noticed a few raised bumps on her head and back.She could have ate a spider or bug and got an alergic reaction.Gave her the childrens Benadryl and they went away.Minpins are great bug hunters.Hope your Tyson gets better.Thinking positive thoughts for him and you.

 Message 3 of 9 in Discussion 
From: KyriefurroSent: 9/28/2008 2:42 PM
I had the same problem with my pin, Connor.  He developed doggy-style hayfever the first spring I had him and the vet told me to give him benadryl.  Worked like a charm.
Two years later he came down with hives.  I rushed him into the vet and after looking him over really well she guessed he'd been bitten by a spider or something and gave him a benadryl shot.  She told me to keep giving him benadryl for the next 24 hours or so.  The next day the hives came back.  It took two more visits before we figured out the truth.  Connor's allergic to the red dye [i]in the benadryl tablets[/i]!!!  The very medicine I was giving him to make him feel better was actually making him sick :(.
So I switched from the cherry-flavored pills to the grape flavored ones (different red dye heh).  No more hives.

 Message 4 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLacednotes1Sent: 9/28/2008 5:24 PM
No kidding you are in need of a vacation!  Good grief!  You poor thing.  How is tyson doing today?  All I can say is just keep breathing deep and know it's not your fault.  Things will turn around.  **Big hug**
Karen, Lexi and Khavana

 Message 5 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemaysonsmom1Sent: 9/28/2008 8:10 PM
Friday morning I had to take Tyson to the vet and get another shot of cortizone and benadryl and he was fine up till yesterday at 5 p.m. he started breaking out in hives again.  I started the benadryl along with prednisone and this morning he only had a couple hives but his chest and belly were completely covered in red blotches and he was pacing and crying constantly.  I went to petsmart and bought earthbath tea tree oil and aloe vera shampoo came home gave him a bath with it and he is now resting comfortably.  It seems to have given him some relief.  Tomorrow we will be seeing Delilah's vet to see what else we can do and why this keeps coming back.  I am scared to death something is going to happen to him and cannot even bare the thought of it.  I am trying everything I know to curb this and nothing seems to be working. 
At my wits end

 Message 6 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLacednotes1Sent: 10/4/2008 6:16 AM
How is Tyson doing?

 Message 7 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamemaysonsmom1Sent: 10/7/2008 8:41 PM
Tyson is doing fabulous now.  He was down for a good 5 days but now is back to his happy self.  I am so excited I haven't been to the vet or called them in a week! 

 Message 8 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLacednotes1Sent: 10/9/2008 3:58 AM

 Message 9 of 9 in Discussion 
From: Yankee&2redpinsSent: 10/10/2008 3:29 PM
Not sure how I missed your update on Tyson, because I have been wondering how he was doing. I'm so glad for both you and him that he is doing well. After what you went through with Delilah, you definitely deserve a break. Take care.

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