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Cato Min Pins[email protected] 
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 Message 1 of 18 in Discussion 
From: fern  (Original Message)Sent: 1/18/2009 1:39 PM
 To the Manager of Cato Min Pins:
  Hey Min Pinners...this is Fern, and I want to know if this site, like all the other MSN sites will have to,  is going to switch to Multiply, and if so, any idea when.  I don't want to lose this site and my picture album I have so lovingly put on here and enjoyed looking at with all the others here too and just all the Min Pin info.  Myself, personally, I am not crazy about this switch, I am the Manager of a karaoke site with MSN here, and I have had to switch it over, and I am not happy, but have to play by their rules.  I am still trying to figure it out and get it set up.  So in order to keep this site, the Manager of this site has to switch it over to Multiply, so any of us Members that want to  here, can re-join.  There is until February 21st, and then this site, and all MSN sites, will close.
I hope this message will be addressed, so we can all keep this site.
Thanks! ~Fern~  

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 Message 4 of 18 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBarneyBoogerSent: 1/22/2009 12:28 AM
Hey ya'll sounds good to go to multiply I will miss this site but I guess "change happens"......maybe someone will give us a link or somthing to get there....I have been there....just can't remember how I got there..LOL duh .......

 Message 5 of 18 in Discussion 
From: fernSent: 1/22/2009 11:22 PM
Hey there, Barney, just thought I'd see if I could be of some help on this Multiply site switch with some links.
but you have to remember, only the Manager of this site can switch it over, and if that dosen't happen by him/her, this site will be gone and any and all pics, info, etc., will be lost. You should save anything you don't want to loose from here, just to be safe.
Hope this helps at least get you more info on Multiply.

 Message 6 of 18 in Discussion 
From: SpinnersGuardianSent: 1/23/2009 11:38 PM
If I understand what Barbara posted on NMPG, any groups that haven't switched by Feb 20 will be automatically switched to Multiply.
Trickie Woo was Mgr. here, or at least that's
what I thought. She posted last week on NMPG and I asked her if she was going to switch CATO and I don't think she replied. So if the group is switched automatically who will be the administrater at Multiply if  she's no longer interested in maintaining the group. I imagine it will just die out. So many already have left and when I get an email of the group most the posts are porn ads.

 Message 7 of 18 in Discussion 
From: Yankee&2redpinsSent: 1/24/2009 2:14 AM
Renee (Tricki Woo) is only an Assistant Manager. Benji Cato established the group years ago, it was already well established when I joined in 2002.

I have no idea why Benji gave up on the site, although I do remember that her young son had major health problems. I guess I'm just thankful that it was such a great place for a really long time, and that she didn't simply delete the group when she no longer wanted to/could deal with it any more.

I have some pictures and stuff on here too, and I don't know how to get them back onto my computer (Mac). Makes me sad because there were a couple nice ones of Buck and Sierra as a young puppy that I'll never be able to get back, since they were on my old PC that crashed back in 2005.

 Message 8 of 18 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameLacednotes1Sent: 1/24/2009 7:25 AM
You should be able to right click on the picture, copy, and paste it into a word document.

 Message 9 of 18 in Discussion 
From: fernSent: 1/24/2009 1:32 PM
...that's what I did with all my pics here on Cato, and I will create a new album on the NMPG site. (thanks Barbara Jean!)
  I'm glad to see people responding to my post on this matter.  This new switch has got alot of people very upset and confused.  I have been reading alot of comments on the switch, and none have been good, myself included.  But as the manager of my karaoke site, with MSN, I have to play by their rules, and see what happens as this takes place.  I hope this will all work out for everyone, myself included, as I don' want to loose anything on my site, as it was started by my boyfriend, of 5 years,  and myself, and he was killed in an auto accident, just 1 year ago.  All of my memories, of him and myself are all in that site, so it is very, very important to me that it is not lost or distorted.  And I'm sure alot of 'MinPinners' here feel the same way.
I guess we will have to 'ride with the tide'.  If I can relate any more info on this, I'll be happy to.

 Message 10 of 18 in Discussion 
From: fernSent: 1/24/2009 1:37 PM
...almost for got!   Today is my Min Pin. 'Phoenix' 1st birthday
              ...Happy Birthday..."Teenie Pheenie"...
                              ...Love, Mommie

 Message 11 of 18 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname2redpinsSent: 1/24/2009 3:34 PM
  "Happy 1st Birthday Phoenix"
We hope you get a bunch of goodies & a whole lot of Mommy hugs :)
2redpins, Gracie, Ricky, Peanut & Taffy

 Message 12 of 18 in Discussion 
From: SpinnersGuardianSent: 1/25/2009 11:01 AM
Well, guess I was wrong twice. I got a email from Multiply yesterday with a link to switch the NMPG and it said nothing about being switched automatically when MSN closes on the 21st of Feb. Thought someone told me that.
Happy Birthday Phoenix!

 Message 13 of 18 in Discussion 
From: fernSent: 1/26/2009 3:08 PM
Hey 'Spinner', no you were not wrong, I myself read (some where) that all MSN sites will be switched automatically, if the Managers fail to do so.  Just give me sometime and I will find where I read that, and post it on here.  This is just awful that this is such a mess, to me any way and I'm sure alot of other MSN group sites.  Remember the saying...'if it's not broke...don't fix it!' 

 Message 14 of 18 in Discussion 
From: IadoremyminpinsSent: 2/3/2009 9:14 AM
How can I join the Notorious Min Pin Gang? I don't want to lose my fellow pinners. I haven't had the time to really get into the discussions like I wanted, but I don't want to lose what I did have. Please help.

 Message 15 of 18 in Discussion 
From: IadoremyminpinsSent: 2/3/2009 9:22 AM
I too am concerned about this move. Would anyone like for me to try it to see if we can preserve the group?

 Message 16 of 18 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBarbaraJeansLeatherSent: 2/4/2009 5:14 AM
I just made a new group on Yahoo to try out.I hope you all will be able to get a Yahoo e-mail.I have had one Yahoo e-mail for nine years now with about 20 to 30 groups that I have been a member of.Mostly the min pin groups,car and truck group  and horse and toy model horse groups.Our new Yahoo group will be private and when you join I will be able to approve you.This keeps out those nasty spammers and trolls.Make sure you save this in an e-mail just in case this group gets deleted some how.You now MSN.I had heard on another group the the member said on one of her dog groups that MSN was starting to delete some of the groups.Not sure if that means the inactive ones or random ones.Let me know if you have any trouble signing up for our new Yahoo group?It takes a bit of time after you apply.They send me an e-mail to approve new members.Here is the new Yahoo group:
Group name:   TheNotoriousMinPinGang
Group home page:
Group email:   [email protected]
First set up a Yahoo e-mail account.Click on the group Home Page and on the right in blue click on"Join this Group".On the "Comment to Owner"just say if your from our MSN groups,your name and your pets names.Keep the "Individual E-mail"checked so you will be able to see photo attachments sent from the group.We also have"albums" in the left sidebar to put photos in under"Photos".

 Message 17 of 18 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBarbaraJeansLeatherSent: 2/4/2009 5:51 AM
Here is The Notorious Min Pin Gang on Yuku to join: Just was trying this site out for the graphics use.We'll get the hang of using it better too.

 Message 18 of 18 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBarbaraJeansLeatherSent: 2/4/2009 5:56 AM

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