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Drug Slang : Drug Slang - S
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From: MSN NicknameLettie011  (Original Message)Sent: 3/27/2007 11:49 AM

Sack - Heroin
Sacrament - LSD
Sacred mushroom - Psilocybin
Salt - Heroin
Salt and pepper - Marijuana
Salty water - Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
Sam - Federal narcotics agent
Sancocho (Spanish) - To steal
Sandoz - LSD
Sandwich - Two layers of cocaine with a layer of heroin in the middle Sandwich bag $40 bag of marijuana
Santa Marta (Spanish) - Marijuana
Sasfras - Marijuana
Satan's secret - Inhalants
Satch - Papers, letter, cards, clothing, etc., saturated with drug solution (Used to smuggle drugs into prisons or hospitals)
Satch cotton - Fabric used to filter a solution of narcotics before injection
Sativa - Species of cannabis, found in cool, damp climate, grows up to 18 feet
Scaffle - PCP
Scag - Heroin
Scat - Heroin
Scate - Heroin
Schmeck - Cocaine
Schmiz - Methamphetamine
Schoolboy - Cocaine; codeine
Schoolcraft - Crack Cocaine
Scissors - Marijuana
Scooby snacks - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
Scoop - Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
Scootie - Methamphetamine
Score - Purchase drugs
Scorpion - Cocaine
Scott - Heroin
Scottie - Cocaine
Scotty - Cocaine; crack; the high from crack
Scrabble - Crack Cocaine
Scramble - Crack cocaine; adulterated heroin
Scrape and snort - To share crack by scraping off small pieces to snort
Scratch - Money
Scruples - Crack Cocaine
Scuffle - PCP
Seccy - Depressants
Second to none - Heroin
Seconds - Second inhalation of crack from a pipe
Seeds - Marijuana
Seggy - Depressants
Sen - Marijuana
Seni - Peyote
Serial speedballing - Sequencing cocaine, cough syrup, and heroin over a 1-2 day period
Sernyl - PCP
Serpico 21 - Cocaine
Server - Crack dealer
Sess - Marijuana
Set - Place where drugs are sold; Talwin and ritalin combination is injected and produces an effect similar to the effect of heroin mixed with cocaine.
Seven-Up - Crack Cocaine
Sevenup - Cocaine; crack
Sewer - Vein into which a drug is injected
Sezz - Marijuana
Shabu Ice; crack cocaine; methamphetamine; methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
Shake - Marijuana
Shaker/baker/water - Materials needed to freebase cocaine: shaker bottle, baking soda, water
Sharps - Hypodermic needles
She - Cocaine
Shebanging - Mixing cocaine with water and squirting it up nose
Sheet rocking - Crack and LSD
Sheets - PCP
Sherm sticks - PCP
Shermans - PCP
Sherms - Crack Cocaine; PCP; cigars dipped in or laced with PCP
Shit - Heroin
Shmeck/schmeek - Heroin
Shoot - Heroin
Shoot the breeze - Nitrous oxide
Shoot/shoot up - To inject a drug Shooting gallery Place where drugs are used
Shot - To inject a drug; an amount of cocaine; 10 shot or 20 shot
Shot down - Under the influence of drugs
Shot to the curb - A person who has lost it all to crack
Shotgun - Inhaling marijuana smoke forced into one's mouth by another's exhaling
Shrooms - Psilocybin/psilocin
Siddi - Marijuana
Sightball - Crack Cocaine
Silk - Heroin
Silly putty - Psilocybin/psilocin
Simple - Simon Psilocybin/psilocin
Sinse (Spanish) - Marijuana
Sinsemilla - Potent variety marijuana
Sixty-two - 2 1/2 ounces of poor quality crack
Skag - Heroin
Skee - Opium
Skeegers/skeezers - Crack-smoking prostitute
Sketch - Methamphetamine
Sketching - Coming down from a speed induced high
Skid - Heroin
Skied - Under the influence of drugs
Skin popping - Injecting drugs under the skin; to inject drugs on any part of the body without hitting a vein
Skuffle - PCP
Skunk - Marijuana; heroin
Slab - A large piece of crack cocaine the size of a stick of chewing gum
Slam - To inject a drug
Slammin'/Slamming - Amphetamine; methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
Slanging - Selling drugs
Sleep-500 - Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
Sleeper - Heroin; depressants
Sleet - Crack Cocaine
Sleigh ride - Cocaine
Slick superspeed - Methcathinone
Slime - Heroin
Smack - Heroin
Smears - LSD
Smoke - Marijuana; Crack Cocaine; heroin and crack Smoke a bowl Marijuana
Smoke - Canada Marijuana
Smoke houses - Crack houses
Smoke-out - Under the influence of drugs
Smoking - PCP
Smoking gun - Heroin and cocaine
Smurf - Cigar dipped in embalming fluid
Snap - Amphetamine
Snappers - Isobutyl nitrite
Sniff - To inhale cocaine; methcathinone; inhalants
Sniffer bag - $5 bag of heroin intended for inhalation
Snop - Marijuana
Snort - To inhale cocaine; use inhalant
Snorting - Using inhalant
Snorts - PCP
Snot - Residue produced from smoking amphetamine
Snotballs - Rubber cement rolled into balls, burned and the fumes are inhaled
Snow - Cocaine; heroin; amphetamine
Snow bird - Cocaine user; cocaine
Snow coke - Crack
Snow pallets - Amphetamine
Snow seals - Cocaine and amphetamine
Snow white - Cocaine
Snowball - Cocaine and heroin
Snowcones - Cocaine
Snowmen - LSD
Soap - Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
Soap dope - Methamphetamine with a pinkish tint
Society high - Cocaine
Soda - Injectable cocaine
Softballs - Depressants
Soles - Hashish
Soma - PCP
Somali tea - Methcathinone; khat
Somatomax - Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB)
Sopers - Depressants
Space base - Crack dipped in PCP; hollowed out cigar refilled with PCP and crack
Space cadet - Crack dipped in PCP
Space dust - Crack dipped in PCP
Space ship - Glass pipe used to smoke crack
Spaceball - PCP used with crack
 Spark it up - To smoke marijuana
Sparkle - Methamphetamine that has a somewhat shiny appearance
Sparkle plenty - Amphetamine
Sparklers - Amphetamine
 Special "K" - Ketamine
Special la coke - Ketamine
Spectrum - Nexus
Speed - Crack Cocaine; amphetamine; methamphetamine
Speed for lovers - Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
Speed freak - Habitual user of methamphetamine
Speedball - Cocaine mixed with heroin; crack and heroin smoked together; methylphenidate (ritalin) mixed with heroin; amphetamine
Speedballing - To shoot up or smoke a mixture of cocaine and heroin; ecstasy mixed with ketamine Speedballs-nose-style The practice of snorting cocaine
Speedboat - Marijuana, PCP, and crack combined and smoked
Spider blue - Heroin
Spike - Heroin cut with scopolamine or strychnine; to inject a drug; needle; hypodermic needle
Spivias - Amphetamine; methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
Splash - Amphetamine
Spliff - Large marijuana cigarette
Splim - Marijuana
Split Adu- lterated drugs; to leave; half and half or to leave
Splitting - Rolling marijuana and cocaine into a single joint
Splivins - Amphetamine
Spoon - 1/16 ounce of heroin; paraphernalia used to prepare heroin for injection
Spoosh - Methamphetamine
Spores - PCP
Sporos - Methaqualone
Sporting - To inhale cocaine
Spray - Inhalants
Sprung - Person just starting to use drugs
Square mackerel - Marijuana, term from Florida
Square time Bob - Crack Cocaine
Squirrel - Combination of PCP and marijuana, sprinkled with cocaine and smoked; marijuana, PCP, and crack combined and smoked; LSD
Stack - Marijuana
Stacking - Taking steroids without a prescription
Star - Cocaine; amphetamine; methcathinone
Star dust - PCP
Star-spangled powder - Cocaine
Stardust - Cocaine; PCP
Stash - Place to hide drugs
Stash areas - Drug storage and distribution areas
Stat - Methcathinone
Steerer - Person who directs customers to spots for buying crack; worker who directs buyers to where drugs are sold
Stem - Cylinder used to smoke crack
Stems - Marijuana
Step on - Dilute drugs
Stick - Marijuana; PCP
Stink weed - Marijuana
Stoned - Under the influence of drugs
Stones - Crack Cocaine
Stoney weed - Marijuana
Stoppers - Depressants
Stove top - Crystal methamphetamine; methamphetamine
Straw - Marijuana cigarette
Strawberries - Depressants
Strawberry - LSD; female who trades sex for crack or money to buy crack
Strawberry fields - LSD
Strawberry shortcake - Amphetamine; methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
Strung out - Heavily addicted to drugs
Studio fuel - Cocaine
Stuff - Heroin
Stumbler - Depressants
Sugar - Cocaine; Crack cocaine; heroin; LSD
Sugar block - Crack Cocaine
Sugar boogers - Powder cocaine
Sugar cubes - LSD
Sugar lumps - LSD
Sugar weed - Marijuana
Sunshine - LSD
Super - PCP
Super acid - Ketamine
Super C - Ketamine
Super grass - PCP; marijuana with PCP; marijuana
Super ice - Smokable methamphetamine
Super joint - PCP
Super kools - PCP
Super pot - Marijuana
Super weed - PCP
Superman - LSD
Surfer - PCP
Sustanon 250 - Injectable steroids
Sweet dreams - Heroin
Sweet Jesus - Heroin
Sweet Lucy - Marijuana
Sweet stuff - Cocaine; heroin
Sweeties - Amphetamine; methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
Sweets - Amphetamine
Swell up - Crack Cocaine
Swishers - Cigars in which tobacco is replaced with marijuana
Synthetic cocaine - PCP
Synthetic THT - PCP

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