Older Women
From the time I was a baby... to the woman I've become... My very being has been molded by... older women I've learned much from.
My mother was the first to be... so special in my life... she loved me and she taught me... as I grew through joys and strife.
From a baby...to a toddler... a young girl full of dreams... A girl becomes a woman soon... and learns just what that means.
It means to learn of loss... It means to learn of love... It means you hope that those who've led... were led by God above.
The mother's and the grandma's... aunts, friends......and teachers too... These older women in your life... watch everything you do.
They guide you and protect you... they know more than we thought... they've lived through life and learned... the things we should be taught.
You move on into womanhood... much wiser than you know... because older women in your life... laid firm foundation on which to grow.
Throughout the years of womanhood... changing through the years... we travel down some bumpy roads... we laugh...we shed some tears.
We make choices as we go... some are good...some are bad... but, we think back on words of wisdom... that these older women had.
Middle age and older... we still can learn so much... from these older women in our lives... who can calm us with their touch.
They touch our hands...our children too... they can touch our troubled hearts... with empathy and calming words... their strength to us imparts...
the life-long wisdom they have gained... along the paths they've trod... and now they give what they have learned... of life...of love...of God.
With calmness and with faith... so quietly they lead... and give the younger, listening hearts... the peacefulness they need.
Be thankful for the older women... in your lives from birth till now... some have been there always, and... God introduces the rest somehow.
God bless the older women... suddenly, we are older too... and younger ones are listening... and watching all we do.
And so this bond in womanhood... continues through the ages... as we talk, we laugh, we cry and pray... and help each other turn the pages.
Cindy Carey