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Share Your Loss : My angel always Benjamin
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From: MSN NicknameBennysmommy1  (Original Message)Sent: 3/26/2006 11:27 PM
Benjamin Josef Fairley Donnell was the light of our lives. He was accidently killed by me his mother in a backover accident in my fathers driveway on 7-08-04.He was 48 inches tall 43lbs full of all the fire you find in 5 year old boys. His grin spread from one ear to the other. Poor kid the one thing he got from my father was his ears! He was born almost 6weeks early and due to complications we had to have 7 1/2 months bedrest to keep him. Tragically his twin brother didn't survive and only lived for 18 weeks.His name was Alexander Granville after my grandfather who died when I was 7 and I loved more than anthing. Benny [ yes no Benji!] had a hearing difficency only 20% in his left ear and only 70% in his rt. Nothing stopped him. He once told a waitress that he would like another pancake for his breakfast because he didn't think his hollow leg was filled up yet.
It was a beautiful day ; a dress how you want thursday. So, w/ dinosaur glow in the dark shorts and a brite halloween orange tank top ,socks in hand and his new school spiderman sneakers on the wrong feet he was ready to go. He stood in the hallway and spread eagle announced "Mamma how'd I look?! " and of course you can't laugh because HE thinks he looks Good!. We went to our errands and hung out at Bumpas for the kids to play out back on the swing set and I announced I was ready to go. We had the Jeep around the edge of the drive  partly on the grass . Because I was tired and wanted to get home I reluctantly said for once I would not life him off of the porch swind area[over my short 5ft 5 head] and give him a"picky uppy' into the jeep. I regret that till the day I die. Benny died 3 minutes later. His sister was in her carseat in the back I told him to stay on the porch and I would meet him inside and get him a juice for the road. I started up the car to back it in the drive way[ less than 3 feet] and Caroline screamed "MOM" BEN"!! There was no "CRASH", there was no "BUMP. Just nothing. I do not know if I shut off the car first or put it in park.I went to him and he was pinned on the shoulder and upper section of his chest under the turnded rt front tire. He looked up at me and said "MAMMA?" Like didn't  you know what would happen? The grief is unbearable sometimes. I could only reach in part of my fingers to his little hand He died before the ambulance couldget there 5 min. later. Caroline got the 911 for me to call even living across from the sherrifs it seemed forever. They airlifted him to C.M.M.C in Lewiston  Me. but he didn't make it .They say they restarted his heart but I know he went to be w/ his brother and my mother when he grabbed my fingers.The reconstruction police etc. say that he must have come around the blind spot of the jeep by the side of the garage and tripped and rolled down the drive and that is why I didn't see him. All I know is that now we are a family of three and I can never take away the memories that happened to my daughter that day and for that I would do anything. My husband was at work and came right over .He traveled to the hospital and had to say yes that it was Benn and do the paperwork. I have put my family through so much for the reason that  for once I didn't want to give in to a precious little boy and give him an airplane ride across the yard into his booster seat. I hope I did not ramble that this story came out right I have only told it a few times and this took quite a bit to do. Please,what I want people to remember about Benny is what happened one day in the grocery store. He was smiling at ALL the girls/ checkout ladies and then he said in a stage whisper'Momma? Does she know me?" Well now Benny they know you,now they do. Love always,Bennysmommy,LIS

Replies to This Message The number of members that recommended this message.    
     re: My angel always Benjamin   blueyes  4/1/2006 5:31 AM
     re: My angel always Benjamin   MSN NicknameGrandmat36  4/4/2006 6:50 AM
     re: My angel always Benjamin   MSN NicknameBennysmommy1  1/31/2008 12:58 AM
     re: My angel always Benjamin   MSN NicknameRoCamum  3/4/2008 10:02 PM
     re: My angel always Benjamin   MSN Nicknamewhispy02  8/10/2008 12:50 AM

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