Surprise Balloon One day this year, in July, I was heading to the pistachio field to do my two hours work, bright and early. Along the way, for some reason, the remembrance of the day Cash had died came to my mind. I could see myself at the hospital, again, and being told they were not able to save him. It made me feel very sad. I continued on my way, tears falling silently. The first thing I had to do, upon arrival, was drive through the first field and turn a valve, then retrace myself, turning two more. This made the water go to the back field, where I then proceeded to. I drove to the middle of that field, and watched the water coming on and all the leaks that needed to be fixed. I opened my car door, and was sitting sideways, getting ready to change my shoes. Just then, a solitary balloon came into my view, just barely over the treeline, floating free and easy in the early morning breeze. The time was 6 am, I wondered if there could really be a child somewhere who had lost hold of their balloon. All of a sudden, I had the most wonderful feeling; I knew that Cash had sent that balloon, for me to see, and to let me know he was okay. The location was only ½ mile or so from the place he and Jennifer had lost a balloon a little over two years ago. That had been one week before he had died. I know in my heart that somehow Cash really did send me that balloon, and I know in my heart that he is really okay. That night, I called Jennifer on the phone and told her about the balloon. The first thing she said after I described seeing it fly was that it was free….which is exactly what I think Cash was telling me, he is free now, but he is still with me. Cash will always live on in our hearts, and it often hurts so bad, missing him, that I cry. But I am so thankful for the time I had with him; our love will never die. From Becky