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 Message 11 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKdeebird  in response to Message 1Sent: 8/12/2005 2:00 AM
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameALABAMACLAYFAN1</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 8/4/2005 10:40 PM
Well I did survive the concert.  Clay was HAWT!!!    I hope I can remember everything I wanted to say.  I'm still in that Aiken mine has not been right today and I've just done some really stupid things! Oh well, first of all the trip there was really fun.  For the first time I decided to write on the windows of my van.  I think this is a must for all roadtrips now - if you've never done it try it - I think you'll have fun.  We had more people on the interstate honking, waving, clapping, thumbs up (I did get a thumbs down coming home  ) and there was one car that past us that had his program and they stayed beside me showing me pictures.  Oh what fun. On the way we met up with Clayshable at a rest stop.  We have talked so much to each other but have never met - It was so nice meeting her.   
After checking into our motel we got ready for the preparty.  I had never been to one so I was really looking forward to this.  It was at the Hyatt in a very large ballroom.  I'm not sure how many people were there but they were expecting around 250 - had to be atleast that many if not more.  I bought me some raffle tickets and was hopping to win something....I really wanted the pillow cases.  I was going to tell my husband that I won then so I had to use them...  but I didn't win them.  I don't remember exactly what time it was but I'll say around 5 or so...there was alot of screaming going on - we wondered if it could be Clay - couldn't see for the crowd that had gathered around but it turned out to be Faye.  I had a chance to meet her in Evansville last year and didn't so I had made up my mine that if I had a chance to meet her again I was going to do it.  The lady that was doing most of the talking introduced her and said that Ms. Parker wanted to know who the person was from Alabama that had "Out Of My Way I'm Going To See Clay" on the back window of her van....OH MY GOSH IT WAS MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!  I was jumping up and down screaming MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE  she said she really like that and thought it was really cute.  She said (I may not be getting it exactly word for word - she affected me almost as must as Clay does...I was shaking!) she loved what it said but really loved that it was from someone from Alabama.  She said that it goes to show that not all of Alabama is for Ruben - I just screamed out Alabama Loves Clay - people were cheering me own.  I went over and met her, had my picture taken with her and she said again how cute that was on my van - that she just loved it.  They were wanting her to sit down to watch a skit so she told me that we would talk later.  Well, later never came  but that was ok...This really made my day and really a nice way to start before a concert.  The only thing that could have been better was to have had Clay there.  BUT  we did have Cardboard Clay - you gotta love him!  The person that went with me and I had our picture taken with him.  I talked with the lady that made him and found out some info on what to do.  I have been wanting one.  I'm going to try and make one....Faye did tell everyone that she had talked to Clayton and told him not to hold back because she was there and something to affect that we were expecting it or something like that - can't remember.  Then she said that she told him that she had already seen the DVD so he couldn't hide anything from her!
On to the concert.........We had ORG seats - row G.....I have never had seats this close.  I was about to die just seeing how close I was to the stage.  Faye sat two rows in front of use about 10 seats down.  The concert started and I immediately started screaming (I think Sunshine was  half-right when she said I was screaming enough for everybody - I don't think that exactly what you said but anyway.....) there was so much screaming.  Clay looked GORGEOUS...I kept saying that he did and I could think of anything else to say about him just GORGEOUS.  IMO he looked better than ever and seemed so happy.  No wonder he was so hidden and we couldn't get any Clack - he's been locked up inside learning all these songs, the piano and Oh My Gosh all those dance moves.  WHOA!!!    All of you know the concert but I'm trying to think of some things that he said or what happened.  It's hard to think - Sunshine might have to help me, she made a list of what I told her last night.  He was in a very talkative mood.  When he was getting ready to play the piano he kept talking and said something like he was going to keep talking to keep from playing the piano - but he did (I watched him in the binoculars so I could really look at his face - the expressions that he made while play were priceless - so cute). On several songs - sorry I can't remember which ones - he would get right up to Angela and Quiana like he was singing in their ears and there was lot of giggling with them.  It just looked like they were having the time of their lives...At one time he turned towards Quiana and I think they hit heads (?) and they both just started laughing.
When Q sang IWALY - I had chill bumps - she is a wonderful singer.  She did get a standing O!!!  When Clay got to the 2000 era he said nothing happened in 2000, nothing in 2001, nothing in 2002 but then in 2003 - the crowd went wild and he said something like why are you clapping and screaming that's when I lost!!!  Everyone laughed and he started sing his songs - messed up on WYSULM and actually walked off the stage - we kept singing - he came back and said he was really embarrassed that this was the third night he had messed up - he told the singers and band that he had really practiced and couldn't believe he forgot the words again - so he took a min. and started saying the words and then started singing again.  He said he would have them right tomorrow night but then he said he wouldn't be singing tomorrow night , that we would all have to come Friday to see that he gets it right.  There were some girls in the front row that actually had cue cards for him and he made some comment about if we had cue cards for him we could sit in the front row.  Everybody will have them now!!!
Everything was great.  It was a wonderful show.  Everyone did a great job.  I know I missing some stuff but I just can't think anymore!!!
Afterwards we went to the buses.  Nick came out and got in a white Volvo SUV which NC tag (some said it was Clay's car - I was thinking so too at first, but isn't his SUV silver?).  He backed it up to Clay's bus and and got out leaving the drivers door open and left it running.  Faye came out and got in it and drove away.  Wasn't long after that Clay came out - he was hurried round the crowd touching hands and speaking and they he got on the bus.  I took some pics but not sure if I really got him or not. 
Woke up this morning and had a bad headache and couldn't hardly talk (wonder why).  I took some tylenol and went back to sleep for a couple of hours - woke up feeling good - still couldn't talk real good but I got up, got dressed, ate some breakfast and headed home.  I had a burned CD of the TR concert and listened to it over and over all the way home. 
All I can say is I'm glad I will be seeing him again Saturday or it would have been depressing coming home.  Sorry this is so long but I did have a great time. 

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