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 Message 12 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKdeebird  in response to Message 1Sent: 8/12/2005 2:05 AM
My Recap of Valdosta


From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameALABAMACLAYFAN1</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 8/8/2005 11:06 PM
To start with it was very hot.  We were sweating before the concert even started.  As most of you already know, we were sitting under a metal shed and my phone would work so I couldn't cellcert with Sunshine
IMO the concert as a whole was better than the one I attended in Greenville - not that the one is Greenville was not good, it was wonderful - but to me it just seemed like Clay was even better.  He was much hotter on WDC than he was in Greenville and LLVL was GOSH!!!!!  It seemed like Clay was really getting into the crowd here also.  About the first 7 rows or so are season ticket holder seats and most of them did not show up.  Clay wanted to fill in the empty seats but the security was checking people's tickets and making them move.  We had 12 row seats but we did move up to row 5 - security never checked our tickets and the season tickets holders never came so we ended up having a really good seat. 
I met alot of concert virgins.  They had only seen Clay on AI2.  Talked with several afterwards and they just could not get over how Clay had matured and how he could dance.  One lady came to bring her daughter.  The lady said she could not stand Clay - by intermission she was in love with him.  She was Clayverted! YES!!!!! 
There were two older ladies that stopped us when we were walking to the amplitheather (season ticket holders - 1st row tickets) and asked us who Clay Adkins was - I corrected them by saying it's Clay Aiken.  To make a very long story short...they had no idea who Clay was.  They thought he was a country singer and it seemed like they were only interested in whether or not he was going to throw them a guitar pick and would he be sitting at a table afterwards for them to say hi.  I said no to both and informed them that Clay was not a country singer.  After the concert we saw one of them and asked how they liked it.  She said she liked the first half alright - really liked the Elvis part but didn't get any of the second half - she just didn't undertand it!!! 
Highlights:  At one time Clay did get an older woman that was sitting around the 15 row (???) and helped her to the front and sat her on the front row and told her something like she should be able to see better sitting there.  Right before the '00's he said something (I missed this) but all of a sudden a mass of people were running to the stage (I think security was in shock) - Clay even said that they had scared him a little bit.  You could tell he totally enjoyed all this and really interacted with them.  They continued to stand at the stage for the rest of the concert.  When he sang Sugar Pie, Honeybunch....OH MY GOSH!!!  This was one of the songs I had hoped he would sing.  He did a great job on it.   He really acted as if he didn't want to leave the stage.  After Invisible instead of going and hitting the jukebox and leaving - he went to each band member, pointed to them, looked at us and started clapping and we clapped and cheered for each one of them.  He just stood there smiling and then he hit the jukebox and it was over!!!  I did not want it to end.
Well, I am still in a Clay Haze so I can't think of anything else to say.  All I know is I Love Clay Aiken    - he is one HAWT Man!!! 

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