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 Message 13 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKdeebird  in response to Message 2Sent: 8/12/2005 2:07 AM
From: <NOBR>MSN NicknameKdeebird</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 8/9/2005 1:49 AM
Holy Moley and Good Gooly Miss Molly!!!
What a concert that was!!! I am still on my Clay high and I never want to come down!!!!!
We left early so we could beat the traffic and ended up getting there at 4:30...
We were told gates didn't open until 6:30 so we stayed in the parking lot for awhile and then went over to the venue. We met so many Clayfans. We met The Florida Claymates and met a group of Raleigh Claymates who know Faye. One of  them takes line dancing lessons with Faye. What a nice group they were.
As we were standing in line this man came up and admired our pin and asked about it. We told him it was from our board and he asked if we had any business cards.. I told him no but he could find us by going to MSN Groups..Maybe we'll have another member ha.
Before we knew it, it was time to go in and we walked over to the building..We could see hordes of people screaming and  running for the lawn seats. After about ten minutes the lawn was completely filled up. It was just a gigantic sea of people.
So we're standing there and all the sudden I see my hubby talking to somebody, I didn't know who he was but he had some interesting people around him. It turned out to be Felix, Clay's drummer! What a nice guy he is. Gee and I got to shake his hand and talk to him for a few minutes...I noticed hubby whispering something to him and then he wrote something on a piece of paper..hmm what was hubby up to? As it turned out he asked Felix if he would ask Clay to wish us a happy wedding anniversary, awwww so sweet of hubby. ..I explained to hubby that Clay cant' do that,  if he did it for us he would have to do it for everyone. But we did see Felix heading backstage with the paper, if he gave it to Clay we will never know. Hmm..why didn't hubby put our email address on there waaaaa....
As far as the show..OMG!! Listen up right now. For anyone who is even contemplating going to this concert...YOU MUST GO!! Do whatever you can to get to one!..It is utterly amazing! I've seen it two times now and it seems to get better and better.  Our seats were really good and we could see quite well. The place was just beautiful.. Very ornate. The poor people on the lawn get drenched though as it downpoured during the show. 
I took my binoculars this time and it was so funny because Gee and I took turns using them. She wears glasses..and I need them(but wont' admit it) so we would switch, ha She would give me her glasses and I would give her the binoculars and then we would trade back lol
 And OMG IS THAT MAN EVEN MORE GORGEOUS THAN EVER!!! I found myself looking through the binoculars and studying everything about him. His hair, his eyes, his hands, his lips,  his legs, his feet, well you know tee hee..GAH...he is without a doubt the most gorgeous human being I have ever laid eyes on!!
And his voice!! It was so strong and he hit every note as only Clay can do.
So funny because when he sat down at the piano he was fidgeting and he made a remark about how he lost his shoe! lol and said "note to self, fire the wardrobe person" ha
He was laughing up a storm during "Happy Together". Angela and Quianna were making faces at him and it was really cracking him up. He dipped Angela and looked as if he was gonna plant a big wet one on her face... gah..I want to be her!!
During Solitaire all of the sudden there was a big bolt of lightening and it threw him off track..he stopped singing and told the band to keep playing and he caught up with them and did his glory note...sigh
Another cute moment...during "I can't make you love me" when he sings "lay down with me", this girl in the audience yelled out " OK" and everyone laughed...very cute!
During one of his banters with the audience he was telling us that Angela asked him out on a date and that she had been playing footsie with him and flirting with him all night.  
He then told us that he told  her she was just a friend lol 
All the songs and numbers were amazing as
always and it seemed like it was over really fast tonite...waaaa
Going to Clay's concerts leave you feeling satisfied but at the same time leave you wanting more....and more..I just can't get enough of the guy..:hugs
Come on Atlantic City!!
I wanted to mention but forgot to, about the woman we saw coming in to the concert on a hospital bed. She was taken down to the front of the stage on the right hand side and was surrounded by alot of people. She had all these really pretty fancy purple pillows on her bed and she seemed to really be enjoying herself.
I hear that after the concert that Clay got in her ambulance and talked to her and took a picture with her also...
I have to say that I have been to many many concerts in my life and I have never seen anyone come to one in a hospital bed..That truly says it all, doesn't it? Clay just brings such sheer joy to everyone and especially to those as unfortunate as this woman...
God Bless Clay Aiken!!!