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 Message 14 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKdeebird  in response to Message 1Sent: 8/12/2005 2:09 AM
Wanted & I had chatted several times prior to our arrival, once we got to the Comfort Suites, she & her hubby Ian came up to our room. We had a lovely visit.  Wanted has to be one of the sweeties ladies I have ever met!!  Her husband Ian, is a real sweetie & a real sport.  I wasn't aware that he is also a member of the board ........... too funny. Ian if you are out there  HelloIt was very nice meeting you..... love your wife!!    
CLAY,   Can I just say, I adore him, he has got to be the Cutiest Thaaang!! 
We arrived at the show just in time to see them come out, which was a good thing.  There wasn't too much waiting, which is difficult  for John Luke most of the time. I have to say I am like toast ...I understand that this happened to Ima, as well. As I sit here & try to rememeber the evening, I am finding a great deal of memory lapse..... could it be old age  Hmm I was very preoccupied w/ Johnny?  ... or just .... well you know.  Drooling   He voice was dead on!! He was as charming & entertaining as ever, & maybe even more so. He is an absolute NATURAL up on that stage & so comfortable in his is so great to see how much he has matured. And his feet looked HUGE from where we were sitting.....he he he ...... just had to throw that in. Did I mention the "Elvis"  hip moves ......... Oh My
My Johnny Luke was such an angel, I was SO VERY PROUD of him. He sat in between Grandma (NanClayFan) & I. He didn't  know where to look. He kept going back & forth between the two jumbo-trons (sp?) & the stage, I think he was trying to figure it all out?? He lasted until Clay's songs 2003 & started saying  "ALL DONE"   So, I had to take him out to my husband & they walked around the festival until the end. My Hubby what a good guy.  
I can't remember them doing "Car Wash", or "Day Dream Believers"  Did they do that?? Solitare UNBELIEVABLE, I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU-Quiana ......... PHENOMINAL!! Jacob was too funny during the "Rock W/ You" & the 1 gloved hand ... ha ha ..that was great!! The Way-I Will Carry You ........... Oh My Gosh --- I loved all the songs!!! They were all so GREAT!!
I think one of the shockers of the evening is when Clay started to sing " I Can't Make You Love Me"  & some GUY,  (that's right I said some GUY) shouted out,
 " I want you Body"    Shocked  Now what was that about???
Clay's playful banter in between each decade is one of my favorites parts. He is so COOL w/ his audience & Funny as all get out!! He mentioned the bugs several times, & asked Angela after she sang one of her solos, (can't for the life of me remember which one) if she had gotten a mouthful of bugs during the song? He kept chit-chatting w/ a young 16yr old girl down in front & he was asking her if her mother knew what she was asking him? We couldn't hear it, but we could imagine.  
We got home at  2am & my poor hubby was up at 5am to go to work ........... poor guy. My brother & sister in-law & their family were there as well & they also had to work today  ...........uuggh. My niece & nephews had a ball, it was their first concert too.
It was so fun & JOHN LUKE did GREAT!!!!!  Woohoo I WAS SO WORRIED ALL DAY!  Thanks, everyone who said a little prayer for Johnny ........ they worked!!
I think he really enjoyed his first concert experience.
Mission accomplished!!  
CLAY  was AWESOME... he ROCKS ........... I highly recommend RUNRunning to see this concert!!