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 Message 15 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKdeebird  in response to Message 1Sent: 8/12/2005 2:10 AM


From: <NOBR>MSN Nicknamewantedbig</NOBR>

Sent: 8/11/2005 11:32 AM
I was soooo happy to meet Tami and her family....two words to decribe them "Super Nice"  Tami and Nanclay were just beautiful inside and out and their warmth just radiated thru out the room..both hubby's were nice as well and luved Nanclays hubby's sense of humor...John Luke, his light just shines....when he smiles you can see the happiness that comes  from the inside out...he loves to give you Hi Fives it was so warming to see the love and devotion of his family ! I enjoyed meeting the rest of the family ..everyone was nice...I am not doing a recap because their is nothing more I can say that was not said by Tami..I just sat there in   "Awe"   Clay has it all..the voice..the looks..the wit..and the charm...going to be awhile before I recover from this concert...their were two teachers sitting behind me and I only had one C'NC pin left so gave it to one of them..they said they will look us a little advertising in of our great board....they were two very nice people..hope they join our family....we got in about 3 am we got lost on the way home...Hubby went to work as well...had a GREAT time..need the rest of the day to recoup from this Clay experience....Clay is SUPER HOT !   

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     re: CNC JBT Recaps   MSN NicknameCnderalla  8/12/2005 2:17 AM