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 Message 18 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKdeebird  in response to Message 17Sent: 9/6/2005 1:42 AM

Well this is long overdue but I will try to hit the highlights………�?

 We were picked up by Clay’s security and taken backstage and down to a lounge type area.  We were lined up against the wall and “wanded�?and given our instructions.  Yes, kissing The Clayton is prohibited!!  LOL!!  A table was set up for Clay around the corner from where we were standing.  When Clay came in he shouted, “Hello!�?and we all laughed because we knew it was him but we couldn’t see him so when he got to the table he leaned way over it and looked around the corner at us and said, “Hey Guys!�?SPAN>  LOL!!

It was funny to see the pictures being taken with Clay.  Each time he had the same exact sweet smile.  We laughed that he was going to look the same in ALL our pictures!!  LOL!!

Now, from here on out is kinda blurry!!  I gave my camera away and turned to immediately see Clay’s eyes and my brain went blank!!  I think I must have looked like a deer in the headlights.  I think this is what happened�?/FONT>

Clay shook my hand and said, “Hi!  Nice to meet ya!�?SPAN>  I said, “Hi Clay!  Nice to meet you too!�?SPAN>  He asked my name and signed my book and he also asked me where I was from.  I gave him a poem written by my daughter and told him, “This is a gift from my daughter.  She wrote it for you �?she’s 10.�?SPAN>  Clay said thank you and asked her name.  He said, “Tell Rachel I said hello.�?SPAN>  I said I would and he said, “Let’s take a picture.�?SPAN>  I had no idea where to look and �?flash �?it was over!!  I said, Thank you Clay�?and floated away.  Since Clay has her poem now, Rachel wanted me to share it with you all.  This is exactly how she typed it for him.  I will try to get the picture up later.

You Can Make a Difference

By: Rachel B.

Grade 5

There’s a world out there. People are going through pain.

They roll with the punches again, and again, and again.

You see it all, on the TV news.

People are dying, children are crying, and have nothing else left to lose.

You feel sad, and sorry for those people, too. But is there something you can do?


 With a will in your heart, your dreams can’t break apart.

You have your tools to use. Now down the path, you’ll cruise.

You have your special plan. There’s no way you can lose.

Everything you need is inside. Now all we need is you.


There are places in the world that are run-down, and beaten.

There are ill and tired people, who in years haven’t eaten.

Everyday people die, everyday children cry. Then it’s just a memory slowly passing by.

You see the faces on those people, all frowning, feeling blue.

Is there something that you can do?


When you put your mind to something, your dreams start to take shape and begin.

That will give you the chance to fight and win.

You are ready and determined to do what you can do.

Everything you need is right here. Now all we need is you.



 Mr. Aiken, I have seen what you have done.

Now I know that I, too, can make a difference.

All you need is a dream.


Clay - If you're reading this, Rachel hopes you enjoyed her poem.  She has had her share of bullies already and your openness about your own has helped her so much.  She is more determined than ever to be successful in her writing.  Thank you so much!!