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 Message 19 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKdeebird  in response to Message 17Sent: 9/6/2005 1:47 AM
What a night, What a concert.What an absolutely beautiful "MAN"
The Ohio State Fair was my 7th Clay concert. As great and as wonderful as he was before, he was (I think the only way I can say it in my limited words is) "He was so much "MORE"  More handsome,more mature, more professional, but at the same time our sweet and adorable Wonderful Clay.
My Daughter Lori, Granddaughters Jenny, and Abby were with me, as they have been to all Clay concerts..
We had a very nice trip, Our Hotel (which we stayed at last year) without a doubt was the best. A beautiful place called "The Blackwell" I would recommend this hotel to anyone going to the Columbus area. Again, as last year we had a Black Lincoln Towncar Limousine (la de da) to the main gate to the Fair grounds. They could not take us to the Celeste Center, as they could not go on the grounds, and we are told the Celeste Center is in the center of the Fair so I thought as hot as it is I didn't think I would be able to stand the heat to walk all of this way, but to our luck for this day, there was a Fair shuttle to take us all the way around the Fair grounds to the Celeste Center. We got off the shuttle and walked across the street straight to Clay's busses and the meet and greet area where people were having snacks and waiting, we thought for Clay, but that was not to be,  we were told the meet and greet was inside of the building. so we went on to go in and find our seats.
While we were on our way in we run into Clamy and three other WV Clay Fan members, and chatted with them for a while.
As our seats were split.  Lori and Abby were in the 7th row,  Jenny and I in the 3rd row.  As it turns out Lori and Abby were the lucky ones. When Clay come out into the audience to get the "Guy" that didn't want to be there. He was in the same row with them. Lori said "He"Clay" was right there in front of my face"  I guess it was good it wasn't me.  I would have just melted to the floor then and there.  I do believe Abby just froze LOL.  Lori did get a picture of him up close, but these are not develovped yet,  Can't wait to see that one.
I won't try to go through every song of the concert, I couldn't anyway. I was very, very, emotional, and I could not take my eyes off of Clay.  You know how that is. He is and was "TOTALLY MAGICAL" He can never again say he can't dance. He most certainly has the "MOVES"  LLVL was Poetry and Seduction in motion.  He was the best "PIP" I have ever seen.  The Black Leather Jacket was to die for. but the black suit was my favorite outfit. The Jacket is cut very short for a suit, and it looked very, very, very nice as he went from one side of the stage to the other, showing is well toned, beautiful body off to perfection. OMG.  Did it ever !!!!!!!! His hair was perfection, as was his voice and every move he made.
During intermission I had Lori to bring Abby over so she could watch the rest of the concert up close, as everyone was standing anywan, and no one cared.
Jacob, Angela, and Quiana, were great. It will be a sad day when one or all of them go their own way. There was so much talent on that stage it just leaves you in awe.  This was without a doubt the best concert I've been to in my whole life.  If Clay at some point in the future tops this one I'm not sure I could stand to be there to see it.
There is so, so much more, but I know by now you have read many recaps. So I will say in closing. On our way out we passed by the people waiting for one last look at Clay by the busses. We were on our way to catch the shuttle back to the main gait and did not stop, but while we were at the shuttle stop, waiting. Just like it was planned for our entertainment there was a beautiful fireworks display, and as soon as the fireworks were over.  Clay's busses come by where we were waiting. We got to wave Good Bye   Abby was yelling  "We Love you Clay"  We Love you Clay".  Then he was gone.
The shuttle pulled up. We got on and had another ride around the Fair Grounds back to the Main Gate and the Hotel Shuttle was there waiting for us.
I want to say THANK YOU  to the Ladies that made it possible at the last minute, for letting us by their extra tickets  Two more Clay friends for life.

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     re: CNC JBT Recaps   MSN NicknameKdeebird  9/6/2005 1:51 AM