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 Message 23 of 25 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameKdeebird  in response to Message 22Sent: 9/6/2005 1:59 AM
First off it's really good to be home, I really missed everybody!
We left for Cape May, NJ last Wednesday morning after driving to DE the day before. The voyage across the Delaware was quite an adventure as the morning we left we were having the remnants of the winds from Hurricane Katrina so it was a rock and roll ride all the way across. The captain told us to sit in our seats as we were approaching some swells! Huh? Eeeekkksss! Thankfully they didn't last too long and before we knew it we were in New Jersey. Before checking into our hotel we decided to drive into town to find the Borgata. As we were scanning the skyline we saw it looming large on the horizon. I believe it is the largest hotel in A.C. The place was like a city in itself, many roads in and out.
After that we went back to our hotel and got ready to go back to go to the concert. As Corie described it, the Borgata was just beautiful! After we got there we went into the very beautiful, very massive lobby.
I walked over to the concierge's desk to ask for directions to the event center and when I looked down on the floor behind the desk I saw three  arrangements of flowers one of which was a beautiful arrangement of long stemmed red roses. I asked who they were for and was told they were for Clay Aiken! I was so excited to know that our flowers made it there! They were just exquisite!
As Gee and I walked away  towards the event center I saw a lady pulling a cart with our flowers on I quickly bolted off after her to see where she was going but I lost her when she disappeared through a set of swinging doors..waaa
But at least we know that he got them!
After that we met up with Wanted and hubby Goesahead. Major hugs and tears all around! We set off to go call Corie and when we came back Gee had met a claymate named Sue who was there by herself so we adopted her and she became a part of our group that night. The four of us set off to find Corie and her daughter Jennifer who just so happened to be having dinner very near to where we were. Wasn't long before we found each other and again hugs and tears were exchanged ..It was so nice to finally meet everyone. Unfortunately we missed meeting up with Phyl as the cell phones seemed to be misbehaving and it was so loud in the place it was hard to hear on the phones....
As we were standing there chatting away we saw the famous Ethel. She is just the sweetest person you ever want to meet and I even got a hug with her. She has become quite the celebrity!
Next we all headed up the escalators to the event center. After buying our goodies it was off to our seats.
At 8:00 the lights went down and out came Clay for what would be my last time seeing him for the JBT. I was a little concerned about how he would sound because of his cold but his voice was just dead on and so strong. He was in an extremely funny and chattey mood that night as you know from the cellcert. It was so funny when he told us to keep our hands up in the air. He said he was tired of those of us who had been to previous JBT concerts ruining his punchline's, haa. Another funny moment was when he said he thought George Michael sang DLTSGDOM...If you want to see it go download the vid, it's hilarious!
When they did stump the band and a lady named Vivian came up and sang "What's new Pussycat", when she got to the part of "your eyes", "your lips", etc everyone would oohh and ahhh...haaa. All the songs were great but ICMYLM was breathtakingly beautiful!
As each song ended I found myself getting more sad knowing it would be over soon. I wished it could have gone on forever but we know all good things must come to an end as it did when he came out and sang "Invisible" for the last time. I thought I would cry as I saw him hit the jukebox for the last time but thankfully I didn't. And then the streamers came down and that was it...
After the concert we all met up for a few minutes and then went our separate ways. As Gee and I were heading for the door we saw a crowd in the hallway and it was Angela and Quianna giving autographs. I hate to tell ya ladies but Angela is just gorgeous! We need some more shuttles, haaa.
On the way out I heard some music playing overhead and it was Greenday's "Time of your life"..It almost made me cry, what a perfect song for such a perfect night!
We went outside and saw a tour bus in front. I knew it wasn't Clay's so I asked who it belonged to and was told it was from the rock band "Journey". Apparently they were playing there that weekend.
I had such a wonderful night that it was hard to go back to the hotel and go to I wrote my recap so that I wouldn't forget anything, I hope I didn't.
The next day while heading back on the ferry boat I was sitting on the top deck of the ship. It was an absolutely gorgeous day with the sun shinging and the water glistening. As we grew farther and farther from shore I heard the Carly Simon song "These are the good ol days"...I started to choke up...
They sure are!!!!
So....that's my recap.
How's the commercial go?
One ticket to see Clay Aiken-$75.00
The cost of transportation to get there-Don't ask...haaa
Being able to attend the next to last concert and meet up with friends....
I have a few pictures on the posts below...
This boat was like the one we were on
Our Boat
Living Statue at the Borgata
Angela with Vivian the lady who sang "Pussycat"
Clay's Flower's(ours are the red roses)
Another shot of our flowers to Clay
Heading back Home, Going away from Cape May

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     re: CNC JBT Recaps   MSN NicknameKdeebird  9/6/2005 2:00 AM